🌊 A Little Too Reckless 🌊

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*WARNING: there are references to Ry loosing all hope and not caring if she dies and there is a scene where CPR is mention and used but it's not descriptive*

After several weeks of Nya being gone, Jay, Kai, and Lloyd leaving the monastery, Ry gets extremely depressed and her impulsive reckless side comes out. She flies to the beach in the middle of the night using her wind powers and prepares to search for Nya alone... to bring her back at any cost.

*picture drawn by me*

The huge, violent waves crashed over and over, in a repetitive motion along Ninjago City's sandy beach shore as Ry intensely watched them.

These waves... this ocean... Ry knew that Nya was in there somewhere and she was determined to find her... at all costs.

It was only a few weeks since Nya disappeared and Ry desperately wanted to find and bring her home. Jay left the monastery a few days after Nya disappeared, just a week later Kai left, and Lloyd left a few weeks ago in the middle of the night.

Although Ry had been trying really really hard to comfort all of them, it clearly didn't help with Kai, Jay, Lloyd, or even Wu, who has been stressing himself out over his scrolls trying to find a way to fix Nya from her water state.

Ry felt guilt, grief, sadness, and anger all bottled up inside her from when she tried to be strong for her friends, but now that half of them left, she couldn't bury it inside anymore. Instead, she did exactly what her mother warned her not to do: become furious, reckless, and impulsive.

For a few moments, Ry just stood on the beach, intensely staring at the waves with angry yet determined eyes, watching them topple over and over on the cool sandy shore.

The wind blew gentle then violent gusts in her face, making her long brown hair and green streak tangle up behind her.

Ry knew that she most likely wouldn't get very far out in the ocean, but she was still going to try. After all, at this point, Ry felt she had absolutely nothing left to lose.

After a few more minutes of staring, she took a deep breath and walked away from the ocean a little bit. She unzipped her pale pink jacket and threw it on the sand, revealing her dark pink tight sleeveless shirt underneath.

Then she removed her dull purple sneakers, tossing them beside her jacket. After that she rolled her grayish purple legging up to her knees.

With all of that done, Ry felt her gaze subconsciously drift up to stare at Ninjago City, all its brightly lit buildings glimmering in the dark night.

At first, Ry admired its beautiful light until suddenly, flashbacks of Wojira swimming through the flooded city, Nya fighting Kalmaar, then Nya turning to water unwillingly raced through her mind.

Her brown eyes immediately squinted shut as she put her hands on the side of her head, desperate to get the images out of her mind.

After a few seconds, they disappeared, Ry's eyes flying open to see the city again.

She stared at it for one more moment, sighing as she said a silent goodbye to the city and her friends in her mind.

With that done, Ry turned around, with determination in her eyes. She inhaled another shaky deep breath before viciously tying her long brown hair and green streak in a messy low ponytail.

After another deep breath, Ry whispered, "I'm coming Nya."

Then she took off, sprinting across the cool pebbles of sand towards the roaring waves of the ocean, not daring to turn back.

As soon as she touched the freezing cold water, Ry extended her hands, using the wind to float above the waves. Slowly she floated herself higher and farther out over the ocean, away from Ninjago City.

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