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HANNAH untaped a box that is labeled 'KITCHEN STUFF' and picked up a mug from it placing it in a cabinet. She sighs heavily looking over at her little brother who is sitting there doing nothing, "You should at least do something, you can't just spend your whole summer in this house like a degenerate." She leans against the counter pushing one of her red streaks out of her hair, "I saw a trampoline in the neighbors yard next door, maybe they have kids you can hangout with-or babysit?" She picks up another mug from the box analyzing it before putting it on the counter, "You should go over and check, it'll be good for you to socialize."

    The boy  rolled his eyes, "they're probably snobby stuck ups- i don't wanna be that weird neighbor that shows up unannounced" he walks over to their shoes by the door and puts his converse on, "but whatever- should I bake them cookies while I'm at it?" he asks sarcastically.

     The older sister shook her head, "Yeah okay," she took out her phone and looked at the time, "just introduce yourself or whatever it can't be that bad."

    "Just shut up." he walks out the door and stands on the porch for a hot minute debating if he really  wants to talk to people but he shakes the idea of going back inside his own warm house out of his head. He walks through the grass to their next door neighbors  driveway then the sidewalk then, to the door. He knocks and then stands back waiting with his hands in his pockets swaying back and forth on his heels.

     THE GIRL walks down the the stairs giving her little brother  a death glare, "So are you just not going to open the door or?-" she went to the door fixing her necklaces she has on and opens the door. She looked the dude up and down with her eyes analyzing him. "hey?..are you a friend of captains?"

  The boy was taken a bit back from the pretty girl in front of him and shook his head, "uhm no im your neighbor- i just moved in and my sister told me I should come over and introduce myself-" he cleared his throat and just looked at her smiling awkwardly.

  She nods kind of leaning her head out the door and pointing to the house next to hers, "is it that one?"

he turns his head to look at his house when she points and then looks back at her, nodding slowly.

She leans back into her house looking at him with an uneasy look, "Are you for real? I heard it was like haunted or something,"

His eyes widen as his face goes pale, "W-what?"

Her face lightens up, smiling, "Nah i'm just playing" she lets out a soft chuckle, "But, welcome to BridgeWood , where the partying literally never ends it's seriously a problem. I'm sunny maximoff" she extends her hand out for him to shake it.

"Sounds like fun" he shakes her hand and quickly puts it back down, "im damon red- green. it's green."

Sunny runs her fingers through her red dyed hair and laughs a bit, "Nice to meet you damon. What grade are you going into this year?" she glances down at her converse and then at his shoes before forming a smile then looking back up at him.

"ill be a senior, you?" he puts his hand into his pocket and rolled the lint in it between his fingers.

she nods, "me too, kinda scary to think about" she closes the door behind her and goes over to one of the blue porch chairs on her porch and sits in one criss cross applesauce "are you going to BridgeWoods highschool or are you too fancy for that?"

"uh maybe- I don't know my parents haven't said anything about it" he turns to her and steps back a bit, "sorry I came over unexpected, hope you weren't too busy-"

"nah it's fine, i was just in my room drawing, nothing too exciting." she sighs contently looking around as that fresh summer breeze moves her hair.

he zones out looking at her; Sunny looked like ur average high schooler except there was something different about her, maybe it was her black and redish pink hair, the septum piercing hanging from her nose,  her big dramatic necklaces hanging from her neck and her multiple bracelets and rings ranging from her hands and fingers, her short outfit, her pale white skin. Nobody really knows. Damon on the other hand wants to explore her, she's the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on.

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