HANNAH looks at her little brother and gives him a confused look. "damon owen green, breathe my dude. you want me to buy you a water?"

Sunny was on break so there's a rule of your on break and want to hang around she has to get out of the lifeguard swim suit so she gets changed into hers, which is the same print as Damon's.

"maybe.." he takes a few deep breath and puts his hands into the pockets.

sunny walks out of the break room looking down at her phone texting captain back about something and bumps into damon quickly looking up from her phone, "oh my god im so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going" she gets a good look at who she bumped into and smiles a little, "oh thank god it's just you i thought i bumped into some karen-hi damon"

he replants his footing so he doesn't fall wouldn't want that to happen. "heyyyy-" he chuckles nervously glancing at hannah then back at sunny, "are you on break or something?"

she nods, "yeah-when i go back to work i'll get you the papers and what not" she smiles more and looks him up and down, "nice swimsuit"

hannah just looks at the both of them trying not to burst out laughing at her brothers awkwardness.

Damon swallows harshly, he was so nervous he could feel his entire heartbeat throbbing in his throat and all around his body, "oh" he looks down at it then back up at her, "thank ya-" he gets a good look of hers and immediately looks away, "oh hey we're matching!"

she laughs looking down at her swimsuit, "yeah we are, how cute" she looks at him then at hannah, "oh hey you must be damon's sister, i'm sunny"

Hannah looks at her doing a little wave, "yup! nice to meet you im hannah." she glances at damon, "i'm sure you get this a lot but you're so pretty"

he covers his mouth and wraps his foot like around his other ankle. he watches them and makes eye contact with hannah when he looks at him just internally screaming.

sunny smiles EVEN MORE, "oh my gosh thank you, that means a lot really. you're also very pretty" she crosses her arms near her stomach, "i guess you both got the good look genes,"

she grins, "of course and thank you to you too!" she laughs sitting down in one of the seats at the table.

he sits down beside hannah and rests his head in his hand looking off to the side trying not to show his tomato face.

hannah nudges him with her elbow under the table, "how longs your break? you can hang with us until it's over"

she sits down in the seat in front of the both of them, "my breaks are usually an hour and a half. i open the pool and what not.." she looks to the side thinking about this morning with connor then looks back at them, "and i would love to hangout with you both."

he flinches from the sudden touch from his sister and looks over at sunny then to hannah, "..are we just gonna swim?"

hannah shrugs, "we could-hey sunny is there alcohol allowed in here"

she nods looking at hannah, "yeah, you can even get some inside-the pina coladas are my favorite"

Damons big sisters smiles, "great i'll go get three, i'll be back" she stands up and heads inside to where they hold it

she nods watching her walk off and she looks like damon, "so-how did you sleep last night?"

he listens to them talk and tries to compose himself. he clears his throat and looks over at her, "pretty good.. you?"

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