SUNNY gets off her chair as everyone starts to head out and goes over to damon leaning down a bit and shaking his shoulder gently, "yo wakey wakey sleeping beauty" she stands up straight again looking down at him.

Damon opens his eyes to look up at her, "hm?" he reaches up to rub his eyes and yawns.

"my shifts over, are you going to leave now or are you just going to leave with me after i close up?" she glances to the side then looks back at him.

"uhh-" he finally fully woke up, "ill leave with you.. I'm sure hannah didn't stay in the car for hours just to wait on me"

she nods, "okay great," she does a small smile and walked to the tables attempting to put the umbrellas down, "can you help me? i'm too short for this" she laughs.

he sits up and stretches, "mhm- yeah give me a second" he groans and goes over to them, reaching up and pressing the little clip for them to go down.

"do you think you'll be able to do that for the rest of them for me?" she picks up the chair and like flips them so it's set on the table and looks over at him.

"probably- how do you do them when you don't have a big strong man like me doing it for ya?" he used a fake deep southern accent.

she laughs "i either stand on chairs or usually one of my brothers is here to help." she continues putting the chairs up, "but your here so now it's you're job"

"im fine with that, shorty" he goes over to another one and closes it.

she smiles shaking her head playfully just putting the chairs up on the tables and then folding the long chair things down, "what's your plans after this?"

"im probably just gonna play xbox.." he folds down the last umbrella and pops his knuckles, "or sleep some more"

she nods, "that's fun," she yawns covering her mouth finishing the chairs going over to the cafe station closing the door and locking it. "okay i'll be back, i'm going to change and then we can start heading out" she goes up to the lifeguard building entering the code.

"mkay I'll be out here" he takes out his phone and messages hannah.

Did you leave? >:(

she goes into the building and gets her clothes and gets changed


i hate u.

he puts his phone back into his pocket and stands beside the door waiting for her to come down so he can jump scare her.

she finishes changing and puts everything in her backpack, putting it on her back then texting connor

what's the plan? r we still hanging?

she puts her phone in her back pocket of her shorts then goes to the freezer grabbing two popsicles, red and blue. she then walks out of the building.

he holds his breath to hear for her footsteps and jumps out infront of her and does a short yell when she gets to the door way.

she jumps and screams a bit putting her hand to her heart, "oh my god damon" she laughs, "you literally just gave me a heart attack" she walks out of the doorway more handing him a popsicle, "here, even though you don't deserve it after you scared me half to death" she jokes smiling at him

he bursts out laughing and backs up a bit, "ah you're fun." he takes the popsicle, "why thank you, im really dehydrated so- I appreciate this" he takes off the wrapper and tosses it in the trashcan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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