HANNAH sighs softly, "fuck..i'm sorry dude" she frowns and continues to talk "did you have fun though? what did you guys do?" she walks into the living room sitting on the couch.

he flops down on the couch like full on face plant, "we went to this thing in the woods and then her boyfriend came up to us and they kissed and" he screams into the couch cushion to muffle it

she widens her eyes, "well is the boyfriend good looking?..." she shook her head a bit. "sorry sorry, did you get any info on him or anything?"

he holds his head up, "YES he was fucking blonde and I'm pretty sure he was taller than me- and he had cool friends that were gonna blow shit up.." he looks to the floor and then back at his sister, "and then I panicked and told her I had a girlfriend because I was too embarrassed to say I was single-"

"oh my god damon.." she laughs a bit face palming, "okay well, did you say your girlfriend lived here? because if you did this is going to make the situation so much worse"

"she thinks I'm in a long distance relationship.." he took a deep breath and covered his face, "I couldn't help it-"

"welp-atleast you can break up with her at any time" she took out her phone going on instagram, "sunny was her name right?"

he lays back down on the couch with his arm and leg hanging off sadly, "mhm-"

she does her researching on instagram to find sunnys profile she clicks on sunnys account and clicks on a post turning her phone around to show him, "this her?"

he looks over at the screen and his face automatically turns red. he puts his head quickly back into the cushion and nods.

she turns her phone back around smiling, "aww she is pretty..do you know her boyfriends name?"

he just stays still not saying anything because he's in his grieving process he doesn't wanna look at his girl crushes hotter boyfriend.

"nevermind found it.." she scrolls through his posts, "connor addams, very white jesus christ" she continued listing stuff, "baseball player, he sure parties a lot god damn.."

he sighs harshly, "shut up- are you trying to make me feel worse?"

"sorry sorry, well maybe this year you can try out for the team and be better than him. you got skills you've been playing since you were like 6"

he sits up and just gives her a sad look, "im going to my room.."

"oh come on, you can't possibly think he's better than you." she shook her head, "probably loses games from how hungover he is the next day...literally his whole feed is him partying"

he blankly stares at her and then just turns to go upstairs to his room. he slams the door behind him and goes onto his bed, grabbing his comfort stuffed animal (a shark) and wraps his arms around it to take a nap.

SUNNY lays on on her bed snacking on some m&ms.

She sees a text message from Connor.

u still up??

She looks at the message sighing heavily

yeah how's blowing shit up?

good how was hanging out with the other dude?

fun :)

she gets up placing her phone down on her bed and changing into pajamas.

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