C2 - Maybe Just ONE Game

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It wasn't long before you and Sun ran into trouble. You'd just made your way back out of the walls, having turned the lights on to the corridor ahead, when you heard Sun cheerfully greet someone else.

Sun bounced excitedly. "Roxanne Wolf!! Wow wow it's so nice to see you! You hardly ever visit the daycare except for birthdays. How are you?!"

Roxanne stalked across the funky carpet floor. Her walking animation was off, slow and jerky, like she was having trouble pathfinding properly. You stood cautiously next to the port leading back into the walls. Neither bot had seen you emerge just yet.

Sun noticed Roxy's strange walk as well. "Uh oh, are you feeling okay??"

Roxy didn't reply, but her gaze fixed intently on Sun. She lifted her arms, as if to grab Sun, now only a few paces away. Those claws of hers looked menacing, but you knew they were just fancy guitar picks. All the animatronics had them except for Sun, so they could pluck the strings of their instruments despite their massive metal fingers.

"Oh, do you want a hug?! I'd love a hug!! We can hug!" Sun excitedly threw his arms out for a big hug.

Roxy raised a hand, winding back as if to strike. You realized that striking Sun was actually exactly what she meant to do, and you panicked.

"SUN." You darted forwards, waving your flashing tail.

This got the attention of both bots. Roxy paused a moment away from heaving a clawed hand down at Sun to fix her intimidating gaze on you instead.

"RUN," you quickly told Sun, already darting back towards the wall.

Sun seemed to have realized that Roxy was not actually about to give him a hug. "This is NOT how we treat our friends, Roxy!!" Sun yelled as he ran.

You were very suddenly plucked clean off the ground. After a moment of terror wondering if Roxy had been closer behind you than you'd realized, you noticed between the pathfinding warnings that the metal fingers around you were yellow, and did not have any claws. They were also cradling you very carefully. After a moment of disorientation and hurriedly dismissing warnings, you poked your head out between Sun's fingers to see Sun had made it through the door into the next corridor and was trying to close the door behind him via the control panel next to the door.

Roxy made it to the door a moment later. She punched the control panel on her side of the door, and the door slid back open.

Sun immediately hit the controls again, and the door slid closed. Roxy and Sun went back and forth, and after a moment you remembered why Roxy couldn't just jump through. All the bots were programmed to wait until a door was completely open to step through, as a safety feature. Sun and Roxy were locked in a cycle of opening and closing the door, Roxy unable to get through and Sun unable to move away without letting the door open.

You quickly wiggled out of Sun's hand and scurried across his arm. Your little claws clung very well to the fabric of Sun's pants as you climbed down to the ground.

"Tiny friend, where are you going??" Sun asked.

"Closing the door," you quickly flashed before darting into the walls.

You made your way up to the door controls. Once you reached them, you paused, realizing this wouldn't be quite as easy as you'd thought. There were active signals constantly transmitting back and forth as Sun and Roxy opened and closed the door. In order to rewire the door shut, you'd need to time your move carefully. Your little paws were insulated, so it wasn't a shock you were worried about. But if the mechanism detected an active charge going through a severed wire before you could connect it again, the whole thing would shut off as a safety feature to prevent sparks and a potential fire, and the door would be stuck open by default, leaving Sun to face Roxy with no easy escape.

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