C3 - Deals In The Dark

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It wasn't as hard as you were dreading it might be to operate the enormous repair machine in the heart of parts and service. The command console was a little difficult to gain access to, but once you did, interfacing with it was a breeze.

Sun was laying inside, on a wide metal table and powered down for repairs. You watched progress updates scroll by on the control console's monitor.

Disconnecting wires designation D-32 to E-15... Update found... Welding item C3745 to apparatus 'Support Beam J2'... Update downloaded... Connecting wires designation D-32 to E-15...

You'd made sure Sun would stay set to safe mode throughout the repair. Although, apparently, setting Monty to safe mode hadn't worked. At least, safe mode didn't fix anything once an animatronic had already gotten the virus. You weren't sure what else to try to get rid of the virus.

One thing at a time. You stood on your hind haunches atop the command console's little table, peering into the repair chamber. Enormous looming arms swung back and forth over Sun, performing calculated and quick movements. Luckily, the chamber was stocked with many of the small generic parts needed for the repair. Unfortunately it wasn't stocked with everything, like Sun's outer casing, which he'd have to attach himself. That particular part was a bit too big for your teeny paws to handle.

You really hoped Sun wasn't too uncomfortable, and that the repairs would go smoothly. You'd had your fair share of damage in your time, and you really hoped it wasn't as unpleasant for Sun as it had been for you. You wondered if he'd ever gotten damaged like this before.

You had no idea when or how it happened, but you'd gotten rather attached to your exceptionally tall yellow friend.

Finally, those massive repair arms folded themselves back up into the chamber's ceiling, and the door hissed open. The control console's screen flashed a little 'Repairs Complete' message.

Sun's long fingers gripped the door frame tightly. His face plate came into view, slowly swiveling from side to side.

"Sun! How are you feeling??" You waved your tail, getting Sun's attention.

Sun's gaze fixed down on you. His face plate sharply rotated a handful of degrees. He looked... stiff. Maybe the repairs had been rough for him?

Sun stepped out of the chamber towards you, stumbling as he did and nearly crashing to the ground. He caught himself and lurched unsteadily forwards.

"...Sun?" Something wasn't right. You didn't want things to not be right.

Sun lifted a hand, and for a moment you thought he would offer it out to you to climb up on. His fingers balled up into a fist, and his hand kept rising high above you.

You moved in the nick of time. The entire table lurched as Sun's fist crashed down on its surface, right where you'd been a moment ago. The force of the hit sent shock waves up your limbs. Sun wrenched his fist out of the crater he'd made in the metal surface.

When Sun raised his fist again, you were already moving.

Between the panic and the despair over your friend's condition, you were desperately trying to come up with a plan, some way to fix this. You leapt from the table to a padded stool, and ended up sliding down one of the wooden legs. You hit the concrete floor hard, but fortunately not hard enough to break anything.

The stool suddenly vanished from beside you. It appeared in your line of site a moment later as it sailed across the room and crashed against the far wall, legs snapping off from the force of the impact and splinters flying everywhere.

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