C4 - Into The Void

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After a brief detour to a spare parts storage room and one quick casing attachment later, Moon was fully repaired and the two of you were off.

It was a surprisingly smooth ride for the most part. Moon moved just as gracefully as Sun. Although when the time came for you to fix the lights for the area ahead, Moon would snatch you up off his shoulder and plop you carelessly in front of the port. You found yourself taking your time with the light controls, not especially eager to return to his company.

Moon didn't seem especially eager to get chummy with you either. The journey was mostly silent, until you ran into trouble about halfway there.

Chica hadn't seen you and Moon yet. She seemed to be busy violently attacking some apparently offensive trash cans. She was unfortunately standing right in front of the hallway you and Moon needed to go down. Moon retraced his steps back around the corner and crouched down to conspire with you.

"I think I can take her," Moon whispered.

"No, that's a bad idea." You quickly shook your head. "You'll get damaged again."

Moon scoffed. "You think I'd loose??"

"I think it would be a bad idea to risk it. We don't have time to repair you again," you argued.

"Do you have a better idea, then?"

You nodded. "If you prop open that staff room door, I'll make a distraction and draw Chica's attention. When she goes into the room to investigate, you sneak past. When she looses interest, I'll sneak by and meet you at the end of the hall."

Moon paused. "...That is actually a good idea," he grumbled.

You would have smiled, if you could. Perhaps even gloated a bit, if you had the time. Alas, there was no time for such things. You only had about two hours left until 6AM, when the building would open to the unsuspecting human staff looking to get ready for the day.

Moon carried you into the staff room. A break room, by the looks of it. A recharge station for humans, to your understanding. There were plenty of items up on a long counter across the room from the door, so you had Moon drop you off there. He left the room, leaving the door open behind him.

You nudged a wide tin full of plastic silverware towards the edge of the counter, then paused. You realized you'd need a place to hide after you'd made your distraction. Not only that, but you'd have to get back down to the floor without Moon's help. You could worry about that after Chica had left the room, though. First, a hiding place...

There were a few boxes and containers you weren't very confidant about here on the counter. There was also a coffee machine, and next to it... ah ha! A wicker basket full of sugar and powdered creamer packets. You could dive in there and be totally hidden.

With a plan in mind, you confidently turned back to the tin of plastic silverware. You set your two front paws against it and pushed it over the edge of the counter. You were already running for the basket before it even hit the floor.

The tin clattered loudly, and the silverware spilled out everywhere. You peeked through the little gaps in the side of the wicker basket just in time to see Chica stalk into the room to investigate.

Chica swiveled her head around, studying the room. Through the open doorway behind her, you could see Moon creeping silently and slowly past. Chica straightened up. She seemed satisfied that nothing was amiss, and she was starting to turn back around...

No no no, not yet! Moon was right behind her! You panicked and leapt out of the basket, packets of sugar and creamer flying across the counter. You were flashing your tail light, though the motion was already enough. Chica's gaze fixed right on you.

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