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Two days later...

You and 47 were sitting to each other's backs when Diana approached and sat beside you.

"This was no coincidence." 47 said.

"Not by a long shot." Diana looked at you. "Thomas Cross had billions in hidden offshore accounts, all stripped clean within the hours of the kidnapping."

"Someone wanted the son dead to lure out the father." You said looking at another magazine, seeing the details of Jordon's death, it says he died by accident, falling out of the window while leaning to close to the edge. "Someone smart enough to stay in the shadows, while we did the work and the highmoores picked up the check."

"A shadow client." 47 said. "Someone got rich, the contract was just. How is this our problem?."

"I know you don't care about politics, 47, but ICA is neutral, always has been." Diana looked over at you.

"We can't allow ourselves to be manipulated. Besides-"

"It's happened before." You say.

"Italy. Morocco. Paris. All our clients got their intel the same way, anonymous tips from a hidden source, each contract perfectly legit yet part of a grander design."

"I don't see the pattern." 47 said.

"Somebody does." Diana said. "The board has asked us to chase down this shadow client and our analysts are closing in as we speak."

"I know that tone." You smiled at Diana.

"Someone's playing a game, gentlemen, the question is...against whom?." Diana held your hand for a moment before she got up, you gave her a nod.

She looked back, smiled at you, blushed and walked away, you and 47 got up and went your separate ways.

Two days later...

You and 47 headed to your next destination immediately, You were driving when your camera turned to Diana.

"Gentlemen, we have a lead on the shadow client, ICA white hats have traced the anonymous data received by our clients to one Olivia Hall, a young hacktivist and suspect in a dozen cases of cyber vandalism. Using onion routing with state of the art encryption, Hall went through a lot of trouble to stay untraceable. She is good but we are better. Her digital trail has led us to a remote farm in Colorado, where satellite footage has revealed what appears to be the training camp for a private militia, Lead by an already registered target, Sean Rose, Australian environmental terrorist and explosives expert wanted for a series of public bombings, Rose was spotted near the scene of Thomas Cross' kidnapping which makes him our prime suspect for the shadow client. Spurred by Erich Soders, the ICA board of directors has asked us to infiltrate the farm and eliminate Sean Rose along with three other prominent militia members. Ezra Beth, retired Mossad interrogator. Penelope Graves, former interpool anti-terror analyst and finally, Maya Parvati, former assassin and gunrunner for the Tamil Tigers. I'll be honest with you gentlemen, I consider Erich Soders' reasoning hasty and ill advised. Now, we cannot go against the wishes of the board, but we can conduct our own investigation. Weather a direct threat to the ICA or not, we need to know the shadow client's true agenda, I will leave you both to prepare."

You and 47 got out of the car, wearing thick and heavy coats, gloves and in your case, a black Stetson hat.

"So, how are we getting in?." You asked looking at the entrance, guarded by two men, 47 scanned the area and saw an opening on the left side. "Follow me."

The two of you walked around the entrance and into an orchard, crouched down so nobody could spot you.

"I don't think I'll be able to get in the house like this..." you whispered.

Agent Widowmaker: HITMAN Female Targets X Male Reader (Harem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora