Secrets revealed

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This takes place is the same night from the last chapter. So. here. We. Go.

Bella and Charlie arrived home after a sorry for your friend type talk. They went in to the house to see Y/n on the floor with TV on. Charlie went to him Shake to wake him up.

Charlie- son wake up lets get to to bed.

You open your eyes slowly to see dad and Bella looking at.

You- what time is it and where you been

Charlie- it's 10:30 and we were at the station there was another kill today. Now you and Bella go to bed you both have school tomorrow.

You and Bella go upstairs to bed at few minutes past and you see Bella on her laptop looking at some and you said

Y/n- you should get going to sleep we have school tomorrow.

Bella- I know to know something new.

You can see her looking at vampire lore. You asked about it and she said she just wanted to know a thing or two but you knew their was more of it. You said goodnight and left.

At the Cullens

Edward and Carlisle arrived home to talk to the rest of the family.


The rest of the Cullens when in the living room and they can see the fear on two.

Esme- what happened

Edward- Bella and I I I saw it was like looking death in the face and what he did.

Emmett- what did he do to you. DID HE ATTACK YOU TWO

Edward- no he did not attack us. He attacked a group of high schoolers that were trying to rape Bella.

Alice- is she ok

Rosalie- of course she's ok he saved her after all it's his mate.

Edward- I was there but it wasn't me it was Alice's mate at thing.

Emmett- ok you lost us at this point.

Esme- start at the very beginning up till new ok.

Edward- I was at alleyway were Bella was surrounded by the drunk kids I got out of my car and I told Bella to get in the car and lock her door. I changed my eye color got in my car and that's when we all heard it. It was a loud screaming like sound then it came down and saw a bike on fire. It then got off the bike with a chain in its right hand.

Emmett- doesn't sound to bad what did he do beat the living shit out of them and ran.

What Edward was about to say will bring horror to their minds.

Edward- no he killed them. every last one he killed all with his chain that had fire on it- it went straight though the ones he wanted dead and the last one he picked him up off the ground and said said a few words.

Jasper- what did he say

Edward- look into my eyes. That kid was screaming like I don't know how to describe it. When he was done he saw us and pointed at us and said one word " innocent " and left with a trail of fire

Esme- will we are all glad that you and Bella are ok.

Edward- wait there's more 1 Bella knows what I am and probably going to confront me. Tomorrow. 2 I think I know who it is

Alice- who is it

Carlisle- he thinks it is y/n but that boy is hiding something and Edward thinks Y/n knows what we are and that brings us to matter to bring them hear and get to know each other better.

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