Revenge Complete/Tragedy

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I was minding the meat grinder as Toby was munching on a pie...and somehow, both he and I saw a finger inside of it, as I spat mine out. My stomach felt weird as I did, and he picked up what was left of a person's limb in bones...I saw skeletal remains of someone whom was stripped for meat. Just as we both inspected it, down came the dead body of the Beadle; and as he fell, his head was bleeding! I screamed, terrified, and scattered behind the bakehouse oven as Toby pounded on the cellar door to be let out.

"LET ME OUT!! PLEASE, LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!" Toby yelled.

"Quick! Hide!!!" I yelped in fear.

I heard two sets of footsteps coming down and I hid behind the roaring bakehouse oven. My heart was pounding and I stayed silent.

Miss Tamera, where are you?! I wondered in my heart. I was shaken, frightened and scared.

Toby...where are you, love? I heard Mrs. Lovett's voice ring out in song. It was more of a siren or mermaid's call.

"Toby?" Sweeney called out.

Nothing's gonna harm you

Not while I'm around...Mrs. Lovett sang out.

"Toby?" Sweeney called out again.

Sweeney and the pie woman were looking for Toby, alright. And Sweeney had his trusty razor from behind him. I silently worried. Was he going to harm Toby or possibly kill him? Why? Questions for another time.

Where are you hiding? Mrs. Lovett coaxed.


Please, Toby...stay safe...I thought worried as I hid in the bowels of the bake house and the sewers.

Nothing's gonna harm you, darling...

Not while I'm around...Mrs. Lovett sang.

My anxiety was running rampant now as I stayed downwind.

"TOBY!!" Sweeney shouted.


"Mr. Todd!" Anthony burst in the barbershop with me, Joshua, Johanna, and David, surprising Jillian.

"Don't worry, it's us, honey." I assured to the girl.

"We have Johanna with us." Joshua indicated.

"You got her?" Jillian relaxed as she asked.

"We rescued her from Fogg's Asylum." David explained. "And she's dressed like a sailor...not even a predator like Judge Turpin will recognize her."

"So, where's your lady friend?" I asked curiously.

Jillian told me that she had to run a couple of errands and that Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett went to look for Toby.

I hope Mirai's okay...I silently prayed worried; maternal instinct coming.

"You wait for him here; I'll return with a coach in less than half an hour. Don't worry. No one will recognize you. You're safe now." Anthony reassured.

"Safe? So, we run away and then our dreams come true?" Johanna asked cynically.

"I hope so." Anthony replied.

"I never had dreams, only nightmares." Johanna said.

"Johanna, when we're free of this place, all the ghosts will go away." Anthony reassured to his love.

"No, Anthony. They never go away." Johanna sadly replied.

Jillian placed a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. Of course, Turpin raised a respectable young girl, but there was also abuse involved. I felt for Johanna too.

Intertwined-A Sweeney Todd taleWhere stories live. Discover now