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Minnie: My first impressions of daisy? She was my type of girl...didn't take Billy's shit.

Daisy: Minnie? She would be sensational.

"Do we need the audience?" Daisy asked Billy "you mean the band?" Billy told her. "She talking about us?it's out song." Warren asked "why don't you go talk to deb" Minnie said and Karen Nodded. "Debs working today?" Eddie asked Minnie shoved them all out.

Minnie and Karen fell in love with Daisy Jones right then. Minnie Looked at Teddy. "You found a gem"grabbing his shoulder.

"You sounded amazing" Minnie said bringing her into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you Minnie? right" Daisy said "And your Karen?" Daisy said hugging her.


"What the fuck is your issue with her?" Minnie asked Billy. "She changed the song" Billy said. Minnie sighed "The song is better now she has" Minnie said "Everyone agrees" Minnie told him. "yeah well, it's my band i say what goes" Billy said. "It's just as much your band as it is the rest of us" Minnie argued. "Your out" Billy told her.
"Your out of the band" Billy clarified. "Okay" Minnie said. "Let me just take what's mine" This she said point to a amp. These.she said pointing at almost every guitar in the room. "oh and this" she said punching him clean in the jaw. "Being a sociopath isn't hot Billy, Maybe that's why camila got bored" Minnie whispered in her ear. "At least i have someone who loves me" Billy shot back. "What the fuck man" Warren pushed his chest "She is out of the band" Billy told him. "Show of hands who wants Minnie out of the band" Warren asked no one besides Billy stuck their hand up. "Your just a stupid little girl trying to live out a life you never had" Billy spat at her. "A life i never had? I GREW UP IN A FUCKING MANSION. MY MOM IS A SUPERMODEL AND MY DAD IS A ROCKSTAR.THIS IS THE LIFE IVE ALWAYS HAD" Minnie shouted at him. "your so into deluloo land that's you can't see that everyone here is tired of your shit" Minnie said "fucking look at them" Minnie grabbed his head. "Eddie gets treated like dog shit by you. Karen gets looked over and used as sex appeal by you. Graham gets pushed around and is always cleaning up what ever you ruined. Warren can't go a day with out you screaming he is off beat...he is the fucking beat how can he be off.? Billy i think your the only one who's sad and trying to live out a life they never fucking had" Minnie said smirking at him. Billy slapped her across the face. "What the actual fuck man?" Warren said squaring up to him he had Billy against the wall. "listen man i didn't mean to do that" Billy told him "What? didn't mean to hit my wife? My fucking wife Billy" Warren said. Minnie "she shouldn't have said all that shit." Billy tried to defend him self. "She was only saying the truth" Warren told him. "Yeah well she won't last much longer either way" Something clicked in warren and he punched Billy straight in the face three times. Before Teddy pulled them apart. "Warren clean your self up" Teddy told him "Billy we need a serious chat" he said shoving him away. "I'm going to stand outside  i'll be back" Minnie said leaving the studio and standing outside for fresh for air. What Warren did in there made her feel a million things. Billy was a dick she had decided on that always.

She was deep in thought when someone grabbed her elbow and kissed her deeply. She opened her eyes in shock when she saw it was warren she kissed him back. "i love you so much bro" Warren said "I love you too but not in a bro way" Minnie told him "Thank fucking god...your too hot to loose" Warren sighed relief. Minnie shot him a look "What? you are your way too hot for me to pass up" Warren smiled. "Warren i think there is something genuinely wrong with you" Minnie laughed. "Wanna be my girl?" Warren shot her his iconic toothy grin "Warren we are already married you idiot" Minnie shoved him playfully "That wasn't a answer Marianna" Warren said "You idiot of course i will" Minnie smiled Warren picked up and ran back into the studio "IM DATING A ROCKSTAR!" warren shouted.  the whole band cheered even daisy. "wait they weren't dating before?" she whispered to karen "i know right, they acted like it" Karen giggled

Warren: I was dating a fucking rockstar.
Minnie: i was dating a idiot.

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