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Time seemed to move quickly the band had their first hit single. The crowd loved daisy. They went crazy for Minnie and Warrens duet aswell.

Camilas house warming party was later on tonight. Minnie and Warren were laying in bed. "Wanna smoke?" Minnie said picking up a joint "Is that even a question,woman" Warren smiled.

"What the hell?" Karen began filming Minnie and Warren dancing in the kitchen in there under where. They had smoked that much weed they had hotboxed the whole house.

"they are so cute" Camila said from the door way "I just hope it goes well for them" Karen said "Look at the way they look at eachother, Warren looks at her like she hung the moon and the stars"Camila laughed "oh young love" Karen smiled. "i'm so happy for her" Camila told karen. "I am too"

Camila: Seeing Minnie happy, i feel like is my only purpose in life...i've always been content from seeing her happy.

Karen: Minnie deserved it all. She deserved all the awards and love she could get. And she got that all from Cheeky Warren Rojas.

Warren: I fucking loved that girl man. She made everything better and easier.

Minnie: I guess i love him too. Who am i kidding my heart beat for him.

"What are you wearing to Camila's?" Karen asked Minnie. Minnie had been watching how Karen and Graham have been all day "i'll tell you if you tell me what is going on between you and graham" Minnie smiled. "There's nothing going on" Karen laughed "girl, your talking to the queen of oblivious if i can see it you can" Minnie said smiling. after a few minutes it was clear that karen wasn't gonna tell her. "probably one of Warrens fur waistcoats a skirt and little bra" Minnie told her "Your a gem Min" Minnie said kissing her forehead and running off.

"Who's that?" one of warrens friends asked him. He was watching Minnie as she danced carefree with Karen and Daisy. "My wife" Warren smiled. "No shit?!" he grabbed his shoulders "She's hot man" He said. "She's beautiful" Warren said he was entranced with her as usual.

Minnie moved her head and saw her childhood bestfriend. Nino Mariano. She ran over and hugged him tightly. "hello darlin" Nino kissed her on the cheek "what are you doing here?!" Minnie punched his arm. "Thought i'd see my girl" He smirked. Minnie Laughed nervously "You mean a epic party" Minnie punched his shoulder. "i guess you could say that" he smirked "Oh Nino there's someone i'd like you to meet" Minnie grabbed his arm and dragged him over to Warren. When Warren caught sight of Minnie walking over he got up and walked towards her. He kissed her cheek and wrapped a arm around her waist. He didn't like how this guy was looking at minnie. "Nino this is Warren my boyfriend" Minnie introduced. "Well legally i'm her husband" Warren clarified. "How do you mean?" Nino crossed his arms over his chest "We got married when we were friends but started dating after" Minnie smiled. "Ohhh" Nino stuck his tounge in his cheek "So you too serious" Nino asked " as serious  as it gets dude"Warren said staring in his eyes. It was like they were eye fighting. "Minnie Harrison Married to a rockstar huh" Nino laughed. "Shes the rockstar" Warren smiled. "I was speaking to dean the other month" Nino told her "Why?" she threw a dirty look his way. "Apparently you two have still been in cahoots" Nino smirked. "Kinda hard when i've been in LA for nearly 10 years." Minnie laughed. "What are you doing here man?" Warren asked him. "My friends brang me to a party" Nino told warren. "No what are you really doing here, cause i don't think that's the only reason...and if that's the case then i suggest you back off" Warren told Nino. Nino scoffed. "come see me when he's not here" Nino told Minnie.

"What the hell" Minnie said to Warren. "Minnie not now" Warren waved her off. "He's my childhood bestfriend Warren" Minnie crossed her arms. "He didn't come here to only party" Warren grabbed her shoulders. "He came here for you" Warren looked in her eyes. "Your being ridiculous" Minnie told him. "Fine you go over there and ask him yourself...the way he looks at you. It's how i look at you" Warren told her. Minnie stared at him. "whatever".

"Nino" Minnie walked up to him. "Hello sweetheart" He smiled. "Did you come here for me?" Minnie got straight to the point. "would it be such a bad thing if i did?" Nino asked. "Nino, im
married." Minnie told him. Minnie didn't understand why he would do this. "And i love you" Nino said. "And i love Warren" Minnie waved her arms about. "What has he got that i haven't?" Nino was getting angry. How could someone so precious and beautiful be with him. A deadbeat rockstar. "He's got a beautiful soul. He never thinks of himself before others. He loves boats." Minnie Told him "He watches scary movies with me even though they terrify him. He is the love of my life" Minnie didn't know Warren was listening to all this. "your a dick" Nino walked off.

Warren came behind minnie and hugged her tightly.She turned around and hugged him back. "You were right" Minnie sighed. "I know!" Warren laughed "Your the love of my life too" Warren told her. "You heard all of that?" Minnie gasped and smacked his shoulder. "What?! i'm flattered" Warren giggled. "Wanna go home?" Warren asked her. "What do you can screw me?" Minnie playfully rolled her eyes. Warren gasped "Screw you? no i make love to you".

Minnie: we were a fucking shit show.

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