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Minnie: We waited and Waited for Daisy to show up.

Minnie  walked into the Studio a little later than the rest as she had things to deal with. She gasped when saw Daisy and the rest of the band. "Oh my god" Minnie mumbled and gave Daisy a right hug. "What the hell? Where have you been?" Minnie crossed her arms. "Minnie This is Nicky my Husband" Minnie's mouth audibly gasped.

She didn't like the look of him. She could smell a dick from a mile off.

Minnie: It's true i can, Graham said it's my best quality.

"Nice too Meet a Fellow Brit" Nicky laughed. "Yeah not on the same page mate" Minnie smiled. "Karen's also british" Minnie clarified. "Wow i didn't know we got around that much" Nicky laughed. "Scousers can get where gas can't" Minnie laughed Nicky looked confused. "it's Minnie she's the Scouser" Graham clarified.

Minnie: What a fucking wank stains

"Nicky is a prince" Daisy smiled. Minnie raised a eyebrow.

Minnie: The literal words 'hold up' went through my mind. Now i'm not calling myself a royal family stalker. But i was 99.9% sure he wasn't apart of Queen Liz's little gang she had going on... i would know.

Minnie smiled "How surprising".

Graham: Yeah we all didn't buy it.

Eddie: Especially Minnie she didn't trust him.

Graham: Something about the type of Trousers or Pants he would wear and how he would even make them look weirder than they already did.

Minnie: Listen if you saw the would have thought it too.

Karen: I definitely did.

Everything went smoothly over the weeks. Billy's distaste towards Nicky didn't go unnoticed. But no one was ready for that conversation.

Everyone was packing for tour. Camila was Helping Minnie. "What happens if i get kidnapped and Never see you again" Minnie asked Camila. Camila giggled. "You would see me...i'd be beating up the loser that kidnapped you" Camila smiled. "That's my  girl" Minnie high-fived her. "I hope it goes well for the love of god" Minnie dramatically told Camila. "I hope everyone survives it" Minnie whispered. "Why would you think they wouldn't?" Camila asked. "Eddies too headstrong sometimes so there's bound to be kick off. Grahams like a little puppy and i feel like he's gonna get upset at one point. Karen she's strong but i have a bad feeling. And as much as i love Warren i know he would be in deluloo land ignoring the issues and it's nice it's good but i don't know" Minnie sighed and fell back on her bed. "Well if i tell you something you CAN NOT tell a single breathing soul not even Mr Sassy boots" Camila stressed.

"But Camila Mr Sassy Boots is here" Minnie grabbed the cat Warren decided to save from the harsh rain for a night but Minnie of course had to keep him from her hoodie. Camila looked at her unimpressed "Why was he in your hoodie" Camila raised her eyebrow "How else am i supposed to always have him on me?" Minnie said in a 'duh' tone to Camila. "i slept with eddie" Minnie had to double take. "You what misses" Minnie said jaw dropped. "I slept with Eddie" Camila put her hands across her face. "Billy was being Billy and i was all alone and needed someone and he chose me over this really hot chick" Camila ranted "Queen" Minnie smiled. "what?" Camila said confused "You deserve better Cami. Plus your so hot" Minnie told her best friend. "i would" Minnie raised her eyebrows. Camila laughed. "You don't hate me?" Camila asked "Camila how long have i been saying the most real thing ever" Minnie stood on her bed and placed her hand on her heart. "Y'all need to fuck off Billy dunne he's not all and a bag of biscuits" Minnie Bowed and sat back down.

"So no i'm not mad. I'll be mad if it wasn't good. Was it good?" Minnie asked Camila smirked. "Oh it so was" Minnie through a Pillow at her. "Is Warren good?" Camila copied her friends question. "Girl, you know i don't need to answer that for you to know" Minnie laughed. "Yeah. When we used to live here i could hear you loud and clear" Camila smirked a evil smirk. "No Cami" "No" Camila began moaning loudly and high pitched. "Oh Warren! Faster Warren! Fuck! Warren! Oh my god Warren your di-" aminnie threw another Pillow at Cami which made her shut up.

"I know you did not just do that" Minnie Stared at her Friend. "Oh but i did" Camila giggled. Minnie just stuck the middle finger up at her as she left the room . "You carry on doing that your fingers gonna get stuck and people are gonna think i'm into some weird shit" Warren said walking past her. She felt like she had spent about zero time with him. She jumped on his back as he was looking through the drawers for something. "What's got you all clingy like a baby monkey?"Warren smiled. He loved it when she was clingy, He loved how cute and cuddly she got.

"I miss you is all" minnie said into his back. "Well" Warren sat them down on the bed. "We can spend all day in bed then Marianna" Warren smiled at her. His smile was her favourite thing he could light up a room. Warren gave Minnie a sense of peace. Warren was like the ocean waves to Minnie he made her feel content. The precious book of love they shared would be made for movie screens.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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