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It was no secret that Billy and Minnie did not get along. But for Camila they often put their differences aside which is why they are currently sat at the diner together. Some stupid fight erupted between them about god knows what. So Camila sent them to the diner to hash it out.

"So..." Minnie said moving her fries in her plate. "I'm sorry" they both said in unison. "I'm sorry, that i made you feel like you weren't allowed to have an opinon but Minnie i know you think i think your talentless. But i don't. You are the best guitarist i've ever seen. Seriously your dads got some competition" Billy smiled towards the end. "Im sorry too for popping off like that i shouldn't have shouted like that" Minnie smiled. "Now can we for god sake put whatever it is we have against eachother behind us. Because you clearly ain't going anywhere and Cami and i are basically soulmates so" Minnie dramatically sighed. "I'm glad she has you, you know. I think she gets lonley sometimes...but you,you bring back the old Cami and i can't tell you how much i appreciate you for that". Billy grabbed her hand and held it for a second. "I think she saved me" Minnie looked at him "i think we all saved eachother at one point" Minnie said. "But then now... i have such a bad feeling dude" Minnie told him as she shoved fries in her mouth. "I know what you mean, it's almost too good to be true" Billy said with a tight lipped smile. "it is, I mean me and Warren have broken up, Graham's being all Anal about literally everything. Eddie is having some sort of power trip but that i am here for! And Karen she isn't the same" Minnie rambled. "and then theirs you and Daisy" Minnie looked down. "What do you mean?" Billy asked. "You know what i mean. I don't care what ever you guys are doing but the second she becomes priority number 1 and not my Cami.Mate you better have a plastic surgeon on standby" Minnie told him sternly "that's never going to happen, no one is better than camila" Billy smiled just at the thought of her. "Abit louder for the fellas in the back" Minnie joked. "To Camila" Minnie raised her milkshake glass as did he. "To camila" They said in unison. "oh wow this is really good" Billy said. "See i know my shakes" Minnie playfully winked.

Minnie: i guess you could say that was Billy Dunnes redemption arc.

Minnie decided for whatever reason she was on a healing journey. Next stop was Teddy's.

"I want off the drugs" Minnie told him. "i can find you a good rehab" Teddy said Minnie shook her head. "no i mean like i will still do it at party's and shit but i want off the pills daisy gives me" Minnie explained. "Daisy gives you Pills?" Teddy asked. Minnie nodded. "i will come check you once a week if i see anything other than weed or cocaine in your system i'll send you to rehab" Billy told her. "Thank you" Minnie hugged him.

Teddy interview 1982: She was realising that the life that she was making for her self was a war path. I'm always gonna be proud of her.

Warren. She needed to heal things with Warren. Minnie Paced nervously around the kitchen and jumped when Warren walked down. "Woah Minnie are you okay?" Warren said Minnie raised her eyebrows. "Come on girl i know you like the back of my hand." Warren tried to smile. "Sit" Minnie told him.

"Listen i'm so sorry for the other week. I was totally out of line. I was too out of mind. I'm stopping the pills and shit and i'm so sorry for everything i said i didn't mean it all. You know me better than i know myself and i can't think of a life without you. I wanna grow old on a house boat with you." Minnie rambled.


Warren smiled widely at her. "I think we moved too fast but for now we can just be girlfriend and boyfriend." Warren told her. Minnie smiled and through her arms around him. "I love you" Warren looked in her eyes. She kissed him softly. "I love you too".

"Phone for you" Karen told Minnie. She removed her legs from on top of Warren and Went to the phone. "Hello?" Minnie spoke. "Marianna" It was her dad "Hey padre" Minnie smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to open a award show with me?" George asked his daughter. "are you kidding? of course i fucking will." Minnie jumped up and down. "your band is gonna be there anyway" George told her. "What song?" Minnie asked. "Here comes the sun" George told her. "I remember when you used to play that too me to help me sleep" Minnie smiled contently down the phone. "Oh and your Mother wants you to come over and she is bringing Eric" Minnie furrowed her eyebrows. "Pattie?" Minnie asked confused. "Yes i know strange" George said "Okay i'll bring Warren over too" Minnie smiled done the phone. "Good idea! Goodbye Marianna i'll see you later i love you" George told his daughter. "i love you too papa" Minnie hung up and walked over to Warren. With a exaggerated smiled. "What have you done?" Warren asked her "What? how dare you?" Minnie sarcastically put her hand on her heart. "Your coming with me to my parents later" Minnie told him Casually. "I'm going to have to impress George Harrison?" Warren panicked "He's literally a normal dude" Minnie putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Will you calm the fuck down?" Minnie asked her boyfriend. As they approached the door. "i am calm" Warren told her "Oh really! my dads standing right there" Minnie pointed at a random spot and Warren began panicking.Minnie began laughing hysterically. "Not funny" Warren sighed. Minnie kissed him softly "They will love you come on" Minnie said holding his hand. They knocked on the door. "Minnie!" Olivia smiled and hugged her. "You must be Warren! Let me get a good look at you" Olivia stepped outside and stared at him. "Lovely to meet you Mrs Harrison" Warren politely said and held out a bunch of carnations for her. "I like him
already Minnie" Olivia smiled and held her arms out for warren to give her a hug. "Muscular huh?" Olivia winked "Mum!" Minnie whined. "Come on through everyone's waiting in the living area. "Everyone?" Warren Whisper asked Minnie. Who just gave him a apologetic smile.

"They are here George" Olivia told him and she put the flowers in the vase. "Ah you must be Warren?" George asked Warren went to shake his hand but George pulled him in for a hug. Warren was surpised and laughed. "It's lovely to meet you Mr Harrison it's a very nice house" Warren said smiling. "Oh please call us George and Olivia." George smiled. "Beer?" He asked the two "Please" They both responded you two go through your mom and that are in there" George waved his hand.

"Marianna what a locket surpise" Pattie Smiled at her daughter. "Oh Pattie i am totally thrilled to see you" Minnie said sarcasm dripping off it  causing Warren to stifle a laugh. "And this is?" Pattie asked. "Warren My husband" Minnie told her. "You got Married?! And we were not invited" Pattie was upset. "I wouldn't invite you anyway" Minnie said dumbfounded "In all fairness only two roadies were at our wedding" Warren tried to save. " Warren lovely to meet you. This is my Husband Eric and
our daughter Isabella" Warren shook her hand and smiled at Isabella. "you didn't tell me Eric Clapton was your stepfather?" Warren said through a smile. "I bearly see these people i don't know what they get up too" Minnie shrugged.

"So Warren where do you originally stay?" Olivia asked "This little
tiny town in Pittsburgh called Hazelwood." Warren smiled "Oh like
Camila" Olivia spoke "Yes, my family
was the only latino family their until Camila moved it was so cool" Warren smiled.

Warren: I think people forget how close me and Camila are. Well were.

Minnie smiled at his smile lines. "How did you two meet?" Isabella spoke
up for the first time. "She was yelling at Rod." Warren laughed. Minnie put her hand over his mouth. "The lies" Minnie scoffed. "i was not telling i was just having a Angry conversation with him....okay i was yelling" Minnie laughed. Warren just stared at her he was whipped. George looked at Olivia and smiled at the two.

a few hours later. "No man i'm telling you, She sleep talks all the time about the weirdest stuff" Warren laughed.

Minnie:Warren saved my life.

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