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I had finished the work I was gonna do for the time being before I clocked out and gathered my things.

"you be careful out there" Gemma says

"I will Gemma" I tell her

I head over to the Clubhouse.

"Happy" I say

he puts his beer down and looks at me.

"I'm gonna go pick up Sterling and take him to his appointment. you coming or no?" I asked

He nodded his head before finishing his beer off and coming over to me.

"give Sterling kisses for us" the guys say

"I'll be bringing him back with us after his appointment" I tell them

"oh okay.well stay safe" Opie says

"will do" I replied

Happy walked me to my car just as some of the guys that was out handling business along with JT came back.

"I have to stay back. I'm sorry" Happy says

"don't apologize. I know that whatever this is is very important. so you go and handle this before it gets outta hand while I get our son and take him to his appointment" I tell him

he nods his head before pecking my cheek.

"what kind of kiss is that?" I asked

"he smirked before grabbing my face and kissing me hard.

"there how is that?" he asked pulling away

"way fucking better. I'm gonna have my sinister way with you later Papi"I say

he shakes his head at my words .

"love you," I say

"love you too you both be careful," he says

"will do" I replied before reversing outta there and heading out.

after picking up Sterling and taking him to his appointment I left and took him to get some lunch before I texted Gemma asking if she got the others their lunch yet.

When she told me no I told her I'd get it since Sterling and I was here anyways.

Once the guys and Gemma's lunch was purchased and loaded in the car and Sterling and I were on our way to the lot he was telling me all of what he had learned in school.

Watching his facial expressions in the rear view mirror gets me tickled.

I parked by Gemma's car and got out calling Kip and Miles over while I got Sterling out.

"will you guys grab those three bags and take them to the picnic tables please" I say

they do as I asked while I whistled and motioned for everyone to come and eat.

I sat sterling on the bench part and took Happy's order placing it next to him.

"want anything to drink? " Kip asked Sterling

"no thank you" he says

Kip walked off with Miles to get the guys something to drink while everyone filed around the bags and grabbed their lunches.

"thank you" they say

"welcome" Sterling replied

I smiled and kissed the top of his head while Happy walked over and took a seat.

"Hi champ" he greets

"Hi daddy" Sterling replied before wrapping his arms around Happy and hugging him tightly.

"What did the doc say about you?' Happy asked

"my lungs and heart sound good. nothing sounds funny or anything. that I'm as healthy as an Ox" Sterling says

"that's good bud" he says

watching Happy and Sterling interacting like this is one of the favorite parts of my day. the two of them are like best friends who enjoy doing things with each other and just spending time together. 

which I'm perfectly fine with. I love that they are like this and Sterling isn't feeling unloved or anything. that Happy's fear that he had about having a family is long gone and he's doing something his father never had done with him.

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