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I followed after a running Sterling who was calling for Happy.

when I stepped into the garage office entry I saw Happy with Sterling on his lap as he sat on the couch and Sterling was talking a mile a minute about what he and I were doing earlier.

Happy looked up at me and grinned.

Once Sterling was finished talking he asked Kip to get him some juice.

"thank you, Kip," Sterling says

"Welcome" Kip replied

I sat at the desk and started working on the invoices.

"bud go and sit with mommy while daddy goes to work," Happy says placing Sterling on his feet.

"ok daddy," he says before he came over and I picked him up and held him.

While Happy got to work on the incoming cars. Kip came bringing Sterling his juice.

"Thanks, darling here is a new incoming car. fair warning once Juice and Opie come in with it it could be messy. cause apparently they tried to do their own oil change when but apparently accidentally motorcycle oil instead of a motor vehicle one." I tell him

he shook his head

"the ignorance of people" he says while walking out to the garage.

I sat there talking with Sterling about different things that involve what I was doing. after that I pulled out a coloring book and Sterling sat beside me on the floor and started coloring.

"gonna have to get a miniature table and chairs so when the kids don't wanna play on the playset or in the little playroom, " Gemma says

"I've been looking and so far I've only seen girly ones," I tell her

"I'm gonna head to Lodi to look for one there and if it has a girly one I'll buy it and spray paint it or have my sexy tattoo Killa artist can do it," I say 

"I'd go to a different city if I was you cause the guys are having issues at the time with the club in Lodi," she says

"Oh okay. thanks for telling me" I say

After I did a few more invoices I picked up Sterling and headed out.

"Happy we'll be back heading to the store for a bit to look for a kiddy table," I say

"you two be safe and avoid Lodi," he says

"will do... love you"  I say

"Love you both more" happy says

"Love you too daddy," Sterling says

I made the shopping trip very fun so that Sterling wasn't bored.

"Mommy, can we get that one it has a design like daddy's tattoo?" Sterling asked

I looked at the one he pointed to a little table with a dragon on it.

"sure bub," I say 

when we got back to the garage Sterling waited to see if Hapyp was busy while I carried the table inside and started putting it together and sitting it in the corner.

"see daddy the dragon is like yours," Sterling says

"your right bud it is " happy says

"I picked it just for that reason alone," Sterling says

"Happy picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he came over and sat Sterling down on one of the chairs before squatting next to him.

"them two have a better bond than most dads and their sons," Gemma says 

"that's cause Happy cares and loves Sterling more than anything in this world." I replied

"its great seeing him like this" Gemma says

"I enjoy and loving watching these two interacting like this it makes my day." I tell her

"you have a beautiful family and those two boys are very lucky to have you just like you are very lucky to have them" Gem says

"couldn't ask for anything else"  I say

while Hapyp and Sterling kept talking and coloring I went back to work while occasionally watching the two here and there.

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