Countryhumans paying attention to me

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I don't want to start off with the worst parts first. Again please don't read this if you don't want to. This has been happening since middle school. Warning -Third Reich

So I started dreaming about Countryhumans around 2019 but let's talk about now. Germany, the nicest of the countryhumans, he acts a lot like my older brother, loving basketball and being such a nice person. He cares about my well being enough to protect me from things he sees as threats, he tried to save people dying in the walls, Japan put them there, unfortunately Great Britain and France stare at us when we do anything together.
The second countryhuman I'm mostly okay with is America, he doesn't really react to seeing me and doesn't try to hurt me like Britain's other ex-colonies do, he's only around me when he needs to be. Austria-Hungary, I don't know how to describe him but he doesn't like when I have to wake up and tries to force me to be near him when I start to wake up. Japan hurt me, he took my limbs off, he drugged me, he made me watch children shows with English subtitles after feeding me human remains in the form of soup. I only realized this when I woke up.
I'd consider France worse, she pretended to be my mom, taking on her form, it's only when my alarm clock started going off she took off her disguise and somehow kept me asleep while trying to inject something into me, pinning me to the ground, my mom woke me up a few minutes after I was supposed to be up.
Canada and Australia seem to think I'm their little sister, they get violent when I don't do what they want me to do. Canada stabbed an axe into my arm, and then carried me back "home", he treated me like a small child, like I mean a baby, having a temper tantrum. Australia was less worse, he just kept me in a room with him and dragged me away from the door when I attempted to leave, he then called me his little sister and told me I shouldn't leave "our room".
Great Britain, stalker, tries to take me with him when I'm in my childhood form.
Switzerland is a "doctor" and wants me to "go to sleep" when I am asleep, I realized that he wants me to be a countryhuman. He tortures me sometimes.
United Nations, knows stuff, wants me to "join them".
Finally I have to address the elefant in the room, the Third Reich is the worst, he is the countryhuman that appears in my nightmares. I remember things that I know didn't happen with him and yet, he's there in my memories. Something bad happened in the past, I know he didn't do that horrible thing do me, but he did. He is the first countryhuman I saw in a dream in 2019, he had me tied up to a table, he was just, casually taking out my organs from my body while talking to me. He likes playing with me but in a bad way. He chases me down and just sightly touches me in a threatening way. Honestly he's the only thing that made me realize that I can never, ever, sleep by myself again. One time, a year ago, a family member had to sleep where I normally slept so I had to sleep in my old bed. I was scared, I knew that Third Reich was watching me. I cried in that bed for an hour until I fell asleep and felt something cold touching me. I really hope that monster just leaves me alone. Germany is my best friend in this case, he protects me, he's great, I love him platonically.

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