Trying to explain what happened to me

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This is a vent, if you don't want to see a vent please don't read this. Warning -Third Reich.

  In my other chapter I mentioned something about what the Third Reich did to me. I was a small child at the time and I had a experience that really wasn't good. It was something a child shouldn't go through, I can't remember the details or much at all. Someone got into my house and did something bad to me, I was walking near my bathroom when it happened and I was then on my bed. My stupid brain believes that person to be the Third Reich as a countryhuman, but that's not going to be true. Everytime I think of that person and imagine them, they are the Third Reich. I was wearing a dress(?) Which makes me uncomfortable wearing dresses now that I understand that something bad happened with a dress on. I have almost threw up when I've seen the symbol on Reich's flag in real life but on the internet I don't normally react to that symbol. Third is horrifying, because I know he did something, but he didn't do that or he did. I started remembering what happened to me around the year 2019 when I joined the countryhumans fandom, this is most likely why my brain assumes that Reich is the one who did the very bad thing to me and why he is the only countryhuman I would consider to only appear in my nightmares.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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Venting fic(WARNING- I experienced horrible things.)Where stories live. Discover now