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When they say be careful with the person you have kids with, they're not playing. When they say to pick and choose the person you become intimate with, it's true. When they say high school love doesn't last, it can be true. I don't have a deadbeat baby daddy, or someone who picked to leave before our kids was born. Fuck, I had three kids with this person. The loves of my life; Angelo, Meredith, and Omar.

Angelo being 12, Meredith 10 and my little Omar is only 5. I don't regret my kids, or the person I had them with. I just regret that I love this person. He wasn't very loyal to me as teens. And I spent about 14 years trying to prove to him that I loved him. He realized it was too late. I decided I wasn't going to let him hurt me anymore. Especially when he was away for work. After Omar was born, I filed for divorce. I hated hearing the rumors of him cheating! That he was with this girl or that. How I was constantly compared. I hated it all!

Tony Perry was a person I once loved. But he made me despise him partner-wise. I don't hate him or anything. I just gave up on him. When I was with him I was a stay at home mom. I didn't do anything with the schooling I put myself through. However, after leaving him I took it upon myself to start my own business. I've been popular in the tattooing world ever since. I have three shops. One named for each of my kids. San Diego, Los Angeles and in San Francisco. I'm very proud of myself.

I ultimately stay in Oceanside. Close to my kids father in San Diego. Life is great...

"Mom! I can't find my airpods!" Meredith shouted out as she packed to stay the week at her dads.

"Mer, I can't keep track of everything!" I called back as I looked through my phone, trying to track her device.

"I'm surprised you haven't lost yourself in the house dummy." Angelo teased her.

"Shut up!" I heard her shove her brother, followed by him doing it back. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"No fighting!" I called out, exiting my room into my daughters. "Looks like dad has them." I said to her as I showed her my screen. Meredith just signed then continued to pack.

"I was just about to tell him to buy me new ones..." I just chuckled and exited her room and made my way downstairs. There I found my five year old watching his cartoons. He's already ready since I packed his clothes and everything.

"Mommy, when we get back can we make the cookies??" He asked with words of excitement.

"Of course we can baby." I said as I picked him up and blew a raspberry on his cheek. He giggled and wiggled himself down. Omar might be five, but he's my last little baby. I'm not even sure if I want to have more kids. At 33 years old, I feel like I'm about to die.

Tony Perry


I'm waiting for Meredith and
Angelo to finish packing their shit

Always fun...

M, Babygirl left her
airpods here.

She was going to ask you
to buy her new ones 😂

Haha, not going to

Tony and I still have that friends aspect of our now relationship as co-parents. He does get a little flirty, but it's not like I don't reciprocate. I do, then feel guilty about it later.

About an hour of searching, helping, and folding, we were ready to go to San Diego. Since there was traffic, it took about an hour to get to Tony's house. It's no easy driving with three kids. Especially since I have an almost teenager with one. One wants to play their music while the other hates it and tells him to put on their headset. While the littlest one wants a hot dog.

I texted Tony that we were outside. I then parked in his driveway then helped the kids with their stuff. Tony was walking outside to greet his kids.

"Dad!!!" Meredith shouted as she bear hugged him. Tony embraced his daughter and then embraced Angelo. Omar was the last but not least to get in on the love. I smiled as I approached the group. The kids hurriedly went inside as I greeted Tony with a hug.

"Now, Angelo needs help with his math class. He's missing a few assignments and his teacher said they're due by midnight wednesday. Meredith has an essay due tomorrow. Please make sure to-" I noticed Tony's gaze at me. With that million dollar smile I fell in love with. "Tony I need you to listen."

"Oh, I am... you're such a milf." My jaw dropped as I smacked him with the notebook I had. He just chuckled as took the hit.

"I need you to check her spelling and send it out asap." I finished. Tony just nodded as he looked over the list.

"Come inside, I just made dinner." I shook my head.

"I can't, I have to be in Los Angeles by 8a.m" I looked at my watch and it read 6:30p.m. "I have to get some sleep... Then wednesday I'm getting on a plane go San Fran for two days." Tony just pouted and nodded.

"When are you going to finish my back?" He randomly asked. I haven't touched his back piece since Omar was born. Before I had all of my shops, I would tattoo close friends and relatives. I even worked as an apprentice before we found out we were going to have Omar. "It's almost done." He said before lifting up his shirt and turning around to show me his back.

I saw how it wasn't touched. I was the last one who worked in it. He hasn't showed me it in like 3 years. I figured it was done.

"Well, you know my rules with making appointments." I said smirked as I walked into his house. Tony just smirked back and followed me in. "By kids, I'll see you Sunday!" I called to them as I opened the door. All three of them came over to hug and kiss me bye.

I crouched down to Omar. That's when he whispered to me. "Mom, cookies?"

"Yes, we can make cookies. And your dad will get none." I teased. Omar laughed as I kissed his forehead.

Tony walked to me my car as usual. He always was a gentleman. Despite him cheating on me a few times. I'll give him that.

"Oh girl, I'll have your cookie." I just squinted my eyes at him as I crossed my arms. We were at the door to my car, and I feel like running him over with it.

"Homie, you had that chance." I said before getting a hug from him.

"I know... Maryjane you're just gorgeous today." I cocked an eye as I opened my door.

"Am I not everyday? Mr. Perry?"

"You are, Mrs. Perry." I just sighed as I climbed into my mom van. "You should stop doing that. The only thing why we still talk to each other is because of the kids." I said as I stayed the engine. Tony just frowned. "I'll see you next week."

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