Introduction to my life

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My name is Nikolai Sageline FCADM Napoleonita but i prefer to be called  Niks or Koli and this is my story, but let me tell you where my family comes from. My family was originated from a city called Gothaym as one of the many founding families also known as the wealthiest and respected family titled as a mayority and mafia which lead to the largest longest war between grudge, hatrid, jealously and enemity leading my families loyal community and allies to fight for and with us leading my family to rightly leave town for my safety as a that you all know my family backstory and history lets begin with MY story.....

Mystery (my mummy) - niksy..are you awake?? "I enter my daughters room" Niksy?

Niks (me) - "i hear a distant calling of my name pulling me from my daydream into reality, disappointed i drift away from the breeze of the chill flowing of the Forrest and creek and sounds of the forrest life venturing back to my reality....i leave my hideout..." im here mummy!

Mystery (my mummy) - there you are my baby"i pull her into a hug kneeling down" what were you doing?

Niks (me) - just everything okay?

Mystery (my mummy) - yes and no we are having a family meeting.

Niks (me) - oh okay, lets go! " mummy wraps her arms around my swinging me up and around, we go to the Forrest room seeing my family"

Marios (my daddy) - hey my girls! You havent told her already right baby?

Mystery (my mummy) - no no dont worry, i sit down with niksy in my arms"

Niks (me) - is everything okay the tension in the room heavy..

Constantine (my grandmama) - babygirl your mummy and daddy have something exciting and shocking to tell you...

Mystery (my mummy) - niksy....a few weeks after you were born....i found out i was um..pregnant with a baby boy....

Niks (me) - "i feel the color in my face whiten and my jaw drop to the ground, i let out a sudden scream" W-WHAT!?!?!? NO NO YOUR NOT!!!!!...are you kidding?! "I run off to my room slamming the door shut and myself into my hide out....thinking im not gonna be an only child, i over think so many possible scenario and have a breakdown of shock...when my door is opened"

Mystery (my mumma) - niksy are you in here i wanna talk i understand you must be upset and confused..

Niks (me) - "i come out of my hideout inside the wardrobe" yeah yeah i am not only that im angry, why didn't you tell me sooner!? When is it due?

Mystery (my mumma) - niksy i understand your angry and upset but i need to be happy for me and support me..Your baby brother is due in 2 months..although im shocked you didn't realise my grown belly..

Niks (me) - "angry and betrayed i ignored and gave my mumma the Silent treatment for a whole month aswell as distancing myself with contact with her until my pappa brought me into a truce"

Marios (my pappa) - well its done ive settled a truce with her, but she not happy about it...

Mystery (my mumma) - thank you baby...i dont understand why she is hating against me and the baby....

Niks (me) - "i enter the forrest room" mother. I,ive come to apologise for my arrogance and hatrid toward you and the baby but as pappa has probably told you i will only support you for your health, I'm not happy about this thats all i have to say.

As the weeks went by your relationship with your mumma faded even more when your baby brother arrived, his arrival gave you wierd vibes until your 10th more to come and find out the vibe felt from niks xxx

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