Chapter 10

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"Thanks for opening my locker, Chris," I whisper to myself. He left saying I was a loser. I wasn't about to cry. I'm not like those weak girls, but I do feel bad about it. My crush just called me a loser. How rude was that!

I go to my first period class, walking slowly. I actually don't want to be the first one there, and have everyone look at me while they walk to their seats. I go in my class, hoping I wasn't going to be the only one there. Actually, I wasn't. But only one person was there. Natalie.

She's glaring at me with an evil smile on her face. Why was she smiling?? Did she hear the conversation between me and Chris near my locker? Oh well, whatever.

I ignore her and sit on my desk. I start drawing in my notebook, while everyone else is talking. Jim comes in the class and sits next to me. Jim is one of my good friends. He's really racist and a ratchet little kid. That's what I like about him. He doesn't think about anything he says. He just says what he thinks, but he's also polite, not being mean to anyone. He would tell me who he thinks is a nerd, who are the sluts, and he also said some bad and nice things about Chris. I don't think I want to tell him about Chris. Anyways, mostly a lot of people know so I don't want the whole school knowing about my crush.

Me and jim talk until the teacher comes in which is always late. Jim said that maybe she was making out with our hot gym teacher. I laughed at that, not that I think it's true. Even if it was, I wouldn't care. It's their personal life, we, the students, don't have a right to interfere in it or know about it. Actually maybe some girls would...they love our gym teacher.

This period was so long. I think I went to sleep when she was giving us a lecture on bullying. All of the teachers are telling the kids to STOP BULLYING. I don't so I thought it was better to fall asleep. Maybe Chris needs the lecture since he called SOMEONE a loser...

I have science and math before lunch. So that means Ciara's there. Yayy!!! It actually goes really fast, at least that's what I think because me and Ciara were partners and we were talking about her day so far in school. It was very interesting and fun.

Tomorrow, we're getting our school's newspaper which will have the valentine's day shout outs:) I actually can't wait to read it, I was mad when they announced that it was going to late, but yay I could finally read some romantic messages and try to figure out who was from who and to who. Umm....this will be interesting.

In lunch, Ciara sits with us and I introduced her to everyone. Liz said she already knew her, and I laughed at that. We talked about random stuff, and laughed at liz's jokes.

English was not boring but not also fun. Chris didn't say anything to me, and neither did I. He just looked at me, almost like staring. I looked back. After a few seconds, I looked away.

After the last bell of our last period rang, I went to my locker. Hopefully, I'd open it. I close my eyes after I put my combination in. "1...2...3...whoa!" I hope no one heard that.

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