Chapter 16

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I took out my keys and opened the car. It was in the front seat. I closed to the door, and locked the car. I turn around, and my heart started beating fast. Chris was there.

Chris "you didn't answer my question yesterday."

Me "I don't need to." I tried to go, but he held my shoulders and pushed me against the car.

Me "stop, you're hurting me." He quickly let go of me, but he was still inches away from me with our noses touching.

Chris "sorry, I didn't mean to."

Me "go to your girlfriend, I think she's waiting for you."

Chris "who's my girlfriend?"

Me "Natalie, I saw her talk to you. She was whispering in your ear." I looked down at the ground.

Chris "yeah, so why do you care?"

Me "then why do you care who I like?" I screamed, but not too loud. I didn't want anyone to hear us. However, I know they can see us from here.

He didn't say anything. I pushed him off of me, and headed back. Everyone left. I could feel Chris behind me. I went to my locker. We weren't late so that was good. I went to my class and sat in the desk next to Jim. He said our teacher really had a relationship with our gym teacher. Someone saw them hugging and laughing romantically. I said that someone could just make this up.

My love for himحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن