Chapter 12

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Was this just one of Liz's pranks? I wouldn't be surprised if it was. One time she pranked me by texting me:

Lets just name the "guy" unknown since I didn't know who it was...

Unknown- heyy

Me- who is this?

Unknown- guess

Me- no I don't have time

Unknown- lol plz u have all the time in the world

Me- no, just fucking say ur name!!

Unknown- just guess plz and lay off the cursing

Me- give me a hint

Unknown- I love u..

Me- is this Liz??

Unknown- I said I love u, that means I'm a guy

Me- is this Jim..?

Unknown- u wish

Me- ...

Unknown- I know a lot about u

Me- what? What do u know about me?!

Unknown- your BFF is Liz and u have a crush on Chris...I mean I don't even know what u see in Chris. And not me

Me- just tell me who you r already!! I have to go

Unknown- I promise I'll tell u on Monday in school

Me- okay bye

Unknown- noo don't leave

Me- I have to, my brother's here

Unknown- fine bye, babe

Me- I'm not ur babe

Unknown- babe

Then on Monday, Liz said it was her. I was about to kill her caz I was thinking about it all day after it happened!!

After school ended, I went by Liz and Ciara's lockers. I asked Liz if she write that shout out to me.

Liz "no, I don't want u." That means she read it and knows what I'm talking about.

"Liz, is this one of ur prank?"

Liz "no I wouldn't do that to u when everyone can see it." I told her I need to know who this is, and they decided to help me find out. Me, Ciara, and Liz walked home together. We didn't live close to each other, but Liz's house was first so she left. Ciara didn't know about my crush on Chris yet. I don't think she knew him, but I know Chris doesn't like me so I don't want anyone else to know. I have to get over

him now.

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