Can you survive off Bkcrushers merch for a whole day?

17 1 5

I woke up and yawned to the ear piercing sound of my Bkcrushers alarm clock and got out of bed. I folded my Bkcrushers blanket and put my Bkcrushers plushies in one spot. I put my Bkcrusher slippers on too.

I then proceeded to go to the bkcbathroom to take a shower. I swooped the Bkcrushers bathroom curtain aside and turned the water on. My hand slipped in the soap that had our name carven into it.

I headed downstairs because I got hungry. I whipped out my Bkcrusher waffle maker and waited for them to finish. I then went to grab my Bkcrusher fork and Bkcrusher maple syrup.

I have to pack for school of course, so I grab my Bkcrusher backpack and put in Bkcrusher pencils. The scented pencils but these ones smell like stinky socks.

I headed to my stop and I then saw the Bkcrushers school bus then approaching. The grin on my face seemed to fade when I got my new Bkcrushers sneakers all muddy.

1 Hour later..

Now I'm headed for Art class. We get to paint a portrait of whoever or whatever we wanted so of course I chose the Bkcrushers. I then go to grab my Bkcrushers apron and start working. I got really glad that I remembered my set of Bkcrushers paint brushes.

It was now time for a locker break so I headed to Bkcrusher themed locker and pull out my notebooks with Bkcrusher stickers.

Fast forward to the end of the school day..

I'm walking home when I see a fan of ours approach me. They of seemed to of have ever one of our items. The Mohawk,shades,and necklace. Also wearing Bkcrusher leggings and a Bkcrusher t-shirt. I signed their Bkcrusher basketball with their Bkcrusher pen.

I ate my leftover Bkcrusher waffles for dinner because why not. I put my Bkcrushers pajamas on and headed on call with the other Bkcrushers to tell them to read this story.

I turn off the Bkcrusher lamp and wrote some more fanfiction and then went to sleep.

Bye y'all this was a longer chapter than the rest but yeah
Bkcruss out-

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