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After the gunshot, everything fell silent.

I ran to the clearing after the trees, tripping over my skirts. Slipping and sliding on the muddy grass, I ran to find Emlyn collapsed on the floor, his forehead bleeding out, and Wilhelm bleeding out. In Emlyn's open hand was a pistol.

"Thomas, come here!" I screamed at the top of my voice. "Call for the doctor."

Thomas rushed down the steps, followed by several maids and guards. I knelt down beside Wilhelm, he looked at me weakly before passing out. In the moonlight, I could see he had been shot in the arm. There was blood pouring out of the entry point. I knew if the doctor didn't get here quickly, he would bleed to death.

Tearing off some of my petticoats, I pushed on the wound until Thomas came over. He helped me move Wilhelm to a nearby bench. I started to cry heavily and held his hand, it was nearly cold, with a very weak pulse. Please hurry Thomas I thought.

"You'll be all right," I said, choking on my tears.

A pounding of footsteps grew louder as the doctor and Thomas arrived.

"This is really bad," said the doctor. "Ma'am please go upstairs. This could get messy."

I kissed his forehead and left them to it. On the steps stood Alice. She hugged me hard as I wept. I felt so bad, it was all my fault.

"The coroner," I gasped. "Emlyn's body is still on the floor."

As I said that, a man in black robes walked by followed by two guards.

I collapsed in the nearby chair, waiting on some news. I woke up a little while later, to find Rose dabbing my forehead with a damp rag. I rubbed my eyes and sat bolt upright. Wilhelm.

"Rose, where's Wilhelm? Is he alive?' I panicked.

"Alex, calm done." She replied. "I'll go and find out."

I nodded frantically and she left me alone. Now I was alone, I couldn't help feeling like this was all my fault. If I hadn't avenged my parent, Wilhelm wouldn't be dead, and I wouldn't be in this mess. Then I heard footsteps striding across the marble floor.

"Your Majesty, I bring good and bad news," he said slowly.

I gestured him over to the chairs by the window. I could see on his dirtied smock blood stains and marks. I offered him a cup of strong coffee.

"Is he alive? Will he be all right? I gushed, tears rolling down my cheeks.

The doctor hesitated before answering. "I couldn't save him entirely; he has had to be amputated. But he will be fine. He's still out, from the chloroform. But you can see him in the morning, I'll return to see him then."

"Thank you so much, you've been incredible," I replied.

He nodded slowly and got out of his chair. He left me and I went upstairs. Rose helped me undress before leaving me. I lay splayed out on my bed, praying that he would be ok.

I woke early in the morning and ran down the corridor. I needed to see Wilhelm. Rose was just bringing me my breakfast tray as I ran past her. I knocked on the door and a male voice called out.


"He's still asleep, Miss," said the doctor.

I sat next to him and held his right hand which was on top of his chest. I couldn't see the remainder of the left arm as the sheets had been arranged to cover it. The doctor left soon after and it was Wilhelm and me. I sat there holding his hand for what felt like hours.

I got up and walked over to the window. I shifted the curtain aside and watched the fisherman out on the lake under the sunrise.

"Alexandra? Is that you?" said a very sleepy voice.

"Oh, Wilhelm." I ran over to hug him. "I am so incredibly sorry."

I let him go and he sat up. He flinched as he moved. I could see the bandage across his shoulder through his thin nightshirt.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"A lot lighter on the shoulders." He joked.

I smiled back and sat on the end of his bed. I told him everything that happened afterwards.

"And what about Emlyn?"

"He's dead. His body will be returned to his family today," I said.

Wilhelm sighed and reached for the glass of water on his bedside. I passed it to him, and he looked up and stared at the ceiling.

A knock at the door broke the silence. I got up and opened the door, the doctor had come back.

"How are you feeling, your Grace?" He asked Wilhelm.

"I am fine, it hurts a little bit."

"It will, I did my best. I am sorry that I couldn't save it."

The doctor checked his pulse and beckoned me outside. I closed the door and met his solemn gaze.

"As you are aware, he will be out of action for a few weeks," he said, slowly. "I can't promise anything but as long as you keep the wound clean and protected. It shouldn't become infected and has a high chance of survival."

"Yes, I understand. I'll bring a nurse in to help me." I replied. "Thank you, Doctor, um..."


"Thank you, Doctor Weber, I greatly apricate everything you have done." I smiled.

"I will leave you in peace."

AlexandraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang