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As the sun set over the lake, I pulled the lilac skirt of my ball gown on. Rose laced the bodice up and then pulled my hair back into a chignon, setting the Dohna diadem above. I pulled my gloves on and walked out. Wilhelm was waiting outside, his white tie making him look so sophisticated, I felt my heart flutter. He had attempted to calm his mess of blond curls, but this had failed. He was wearing the badge of the Order of the Berg on his chest and had the ceremonial grey sash around him.

He held my hand as we walked downstairs. There was a tension in the air, some new pressure pushing down on, maybe because the last time there was an event here, the King was murdered. The doors were opened, and we descended the ballroom stairs. Once we reached the bottom, Wilhelm left me to be with his friends, and I was approached by my godmother, the Queen Mother of Edeila. She smiled and greeted me.

"Your Majesty," she said. "How lovely to see you. My, haven't you grown."

I blushed. I talked to her for a little while longer, then the orchestra started the first dance of the evening. The quadrille started and Wilhelm offered me his hand. We started the dance, and I could see his huge smile as he turned across the floor.

"What's made you so cheerful this evening?" I asked, curtseying as the music finished.

"Nothing, just looking forward to a quieter few months." He said as we walked off the dance and sat on a bench on the terrace. "You look beautiful tonight."

I thanked him and went to get him and me a glass of lemonade. As I walked outside again, the sun had completely set, it was nearing 9:30 pm, but I could see the lights of the few latecomers' carriages on the lakeside road. As I walked back to the bench, I noticed that Wilhelm was no longer there. I shrugged, thinking he had gone inside, but once I went in, everything was carnage.

Three very old men were very drunk and bumping into anything and everything. They were sending objects flying and the footmen tried to catch everything coming their way. Then one of the men crashed into Heinrich, sending him flying. They fell on top of him in a heap. His pocket watch flew out of his pocket and rolled underneath a chaise lounge that was occupied by the incredibly drunken Count Schwein. He picked it up and smiled slyly. He left off a maniacal laugh and passed it to me.

"Here you go, Queenie." He jabbered, his voice slurred. He pinched my cheek and then said, "I would make an excellent husband, don't you think?"

I pushed his hand away and said bitingly "Not a chance, I think you're a bit too old for me."

He laughed, snorted, and stumbled back to his chaise. He collapsed there and then proceed to snore like a pig.

I looked to see Wilhelm dancing around the floor with a very tall girl towering over him, her grey eyes death-staring him. He looked so distressed. Then the music crescendoed and ended. He backed away so fast to avoid another rerun of that. I sighed and went to stare out of the window. I stood there, in a daze. Then someone tapped my shoulder. It was Wilhelm.

"Having fun with the little miss?" I said, sarcastically.

"Lady Ricci, oh no. She's lovely but, God, she's terrifying." He replied, grinning. "Are you jealous?"

I shook my head. Then I saw the tall shadow of Lady Ricci's mother, Countess Ricci, loom over me. Wilhelm froze and bid her farewell. He disappeared into the shadows once more.

"Your Majesty," she said, x-raying me. "Please don't think me naïve, but is there anything between you and His Grace? I don't wish to plan a match if something is happening."

I was taken aback. She was so forthright and outspoken. I smiled pleasantly, hinting at the engagement ring on my finger. "I am so sorry, but yes there is."

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