68. Disappointment

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Teaser: Jaemin heads back to Incheon while Yeosang goes to talk to his mother.


"I won't be going back to the kingdom with you tomorrow," Yeosang said, sitting up in bed and eating the ramyeon Yeji gave him. They all sat around him like before and Jaemin was confused at the statement.

"Why not?"

Yeosang thought for a moment and then looked at him. "They are pulling the plug on my mom in two days." They all looked at him wide-eyed. "I'm gonna be with her as long as possible before then. And while I could go back with you for a little bit to settle everything first, I won't do that either. I'm going to be prosecuted as soon as I get back. I won't be able to see my mom before she's dead if that happens."

Prosecuted? What was he talking about?

"Prosecuted?" Hyunjin asked. "For what? Aren't you their most trusted soldier?"

He nodded. "For one, I was specifically told not to rescue Jaemin by myself. But that's not even what I'll be in trouble for. The date of the coronation was so important that I was the only person besides the royal family who knew it. The fact that Bucheon knew that date of the coronation means that they'll think I told them and betrayed Incheon."

Jaemin's eyes widened. "Wait, but that's so stupid! Why would they think you betrayed the kingdom?"

"Heiran is emotionally distraught at everything. Even if she trusts me with her life, she'll still treat me like a criminal if the evidence points towards it. The fact that Bucheon's main superior officers are members of my family doesn't help either."

It seemed so stupid. Sure, it was just Yeosang's assumption that Incheon would prosecute him, but if he was so confident in that assumption, then Jaemin believed it might be true. What kingdom could turn on their most loyal soldier just like that? Whatever Yeosang's motives were, even if they weren't mainly focused on protecting Incheon, he still made an effort to defend the kingdom as best as he could.

Whatever was going to happen, Jaemin planned to defend him as much as possible. Even after what just happened earlier, this was still his commander who cared for him and risked everything to save him today.

A knock was heard at the front door and they all looked towards the closed bedroom door. "Shield, Jaemin," Yeosang ordered him.

He hurriedly grabbed Excalibur and put the shield on the four of them while Yeji went out to open the door. "Hello Miss," a Bucheon soldier said with two more behind him. "We were just asking around in the houses inside this forest since people here are very reliable. Have you by chance seen two soldiers from Incheon? Well, they may not look like ordinary soldiers. But they both look pretty beaten up. Have you just... seen two strange men?"

Yeji pursed her lips and shook her head. "No, sorry Sir. I haven't. Did they do something bad?"

"You're really gonna ask if two soldiers from Incheon did something bad?" One of the others asked. "Yeah, they did. They're two of the knights. You know about them, don't you?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I was actually just asking if they did anything bad in particular." She faked an awkward laugh. "Um... but yeah, if they're two of the knights, then no explanation is really needed." She looked over all of their faces. "Oh! You guys all look so tired. From work, I assume? Would you like to come in for some tea?"

Jaemin's eyebrows furrowed when he heard her ask that. "What is she doing?" He whispered, only to be shushed by both Yeosang and Hyunjin.

"We should be going-"

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