Chapter 1

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The Man's Nest

Bose's Pov

There she is. The girl of my dreams. Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva. AKA Volt. AKA Chapa. AKA (Wolf Whistle)

Chapa is sitting on the couch. She is looking at her phone. I couldn't help but notice how her phone's screen light up her pretty face, making her beautiful eyes glow. I dreamily sigh. Thanks to Miles, I worked up the courage to ask her out.


Speaking of...


Miles:"You were staring at Chapa. Again."

Bose:"Oh. Sorry."

Miles:(Pushing Bose toward Chapa)"Come on Bose, go ask Chapa out! Go ahead man, you got this."


I take a deep breath and shyly sit next to Chapa. I clear my throat to get her attention. She looks up and smiles.

Chapa:"Oh hey Bose! What's up?"

My mouth suddenly goes dry as cotton. I try to swallow but there is little saliva in my mouth. I muster up all the courage I have in my body and ask her the big question.

Bose:"Chapa, would you like to go out with me?"

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped in shock and surprise. 

Chapa:"Like, on a-a date?"

Bose:(Bashfully scratching the back of his neck)"Well yeah! If you want it to be! I was thinking just as friends but sure!"

Chapa smiles so big.

Chapa:(Happy)"Oh my gosh, Bose, YES! Of course I'll go out with you!"

I smile. I love how over the past two years she's grown more happy, cheerful and bubbly. Mika, meanwhile, lost her cheerfulness and optimism. Speaking of Mika, I think she's cool but I don't like her THAT way. I HATE it when she calls me 'Honey' 'Sweetie' 'Boo' 'Baby' 'Baby Boy' it disgusts me! I cringe every single time she says that. We're not dating! Wait. Did Chapa say yes?

Bose:"Did you just say yes?"


I happily smile.

Bose:"Okay! It's a date then!"

Chapa:"Great! Does Friday work for you?"

Bose:"Yeah! I'm completely free!"


Bose:"How about dinner and a movie?"

Chapa:"Cool! What movie?"

Bose:"The Lego Movie. They brought it back in theaters."

Chapa:"Awesome! I haven't seen the movie, though."

Bose:"Neither have I, but I bet we'll love it."

Chapa:"Yeah. So, anyway, uh, pick me up at 7:00?"

Chapa brushes her hair out of her eyes and I get hearts in MY own eyes! Chapa smiles and giggles at my lovesick reaction.

Bose:"Y-yeah! Perfect!"


I smile really big. I'm gonna be taking out the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world out on Friday! YAY! Suddenly, Chapa's smile goes away. Uh-oh, that's not good.

Bose:(Worriedly)"What's wrong?"

Chapa:"Oh! Bose! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot!(Rolls her eyes)My dad has to meet you so you can have permission to take me out."

I smile.

Bose:"Hey, that won't be a problem! I'm great with parents!"

Chapa scoffs.

Chapa:"Uh, you have not met my dad. He's VERY overprotective of me when it comes to boys. Says I'm still his little girl. Even though I'm 14!"

Bose:"Well, I'm sure I can win his approval."

Chapa:"I hope so."

Bose:"I hope so too."

Chapa gets a notifiaction on her phone. She reads it, takes it, and stands up.

Chapa:"I'm sorry Bose, I've got to go. I've gotta babysit Sage. I'll have you meet my dad tomorrow, okay?"




I wave and she waves back and leaves. I sigh as I drum my fingers on the table. I then cross them. I'll need all the luck I can get. I HAVE to get Chapa's dad's approval to take his daughter out tomorrow. Or else I won't get to go out with the most amazing girl on the entire planet!

Let's hope tomorrow goes well...

Daddy's Little Girl A Danger Force Chose(Chapa X Bose)StoryWhere stories live. Discover now