Babysitter Chaz

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"C-Chaz what are you doing in my room?" Hana was tucking herself into bed and was surprised to see Chaz come in without knocking although he did knock but he just decided to walk In without waiting for her permission.

Hana was holding a book on her lap and sitting up. She looks at Chaz with a shy smile holding out the book to him. "C-can you please?" She asked him and Chaz was shocked even uneasy though he didn't expect this reaction. He sighed deeply and walks over to her. "You can't read?" He asked looking down at her. "I can read I just like it when someone reads me a bedtime story before I go to bed. I can't sleep without someone with me.,"

Chaz was confused by this, not even sure what to say. He has never met someone so innocent before. He didn't even think there was anyone this innocent in hell. It was making him wonder why she was in hell in the first place. He looked at her and then the book. He sighed deeply in defeat as he grabbed the book. He couldn't believe that he was going to read this for her.

He read the cover; it was a fairy tale. It was a demon version of the real fairy tale, Snow White. "The story of Blood Snow, an innocent imp girl who had to suffer having an evil stepmother. But still she knows how to look at the positives of hell." Chaz said. He knew this story; he was read this when he was a child. But he never really liked it since how sweet it is despite it being in hell.

Chaz began reading Blood Snow and the seven demons. The story was based of the real one, but still had some differences at the same time. Blood Snow was the heroine who fights and kills the wicked queen in the end, instead of the prince.

Chaz hated every second of this moment as he felt like he was some fuckin babysitter. He couldn't believe he was reading a child book to a human kid after all he just came in here to have sex but babysit a child.

Hana enjoyed having some even if it was a stranger read a story to her, as long as she didn't feel alone it didn't matter who tucks her in.

She smiled happily after Chaz finished reading the book and he glared at her poking her nose firmly. "You tell anyone about this kid I'll fuckin kill you" he expected the girl to be scared but Hana didn't show any fear. She nodded her head giving Chaz her word she wouldn't say anything to anyone. Chaz gave the book back to Hana and he pats her head telling her Goodnight but he doesn't get far from leaving. The girl puts the book down on the bed and she hops out of bed running over to him gripping his hand gently. "C-can I sleep with you C-Chaz? I don't feel comfortable sleeping by myself. Mister Crimson is too mean. I don't wanna sleep alone. Pretty please!" Hana gave Chaz innocent cute face getting on her knees doing a begging pose like a puppy.

Chaz sighed in defeat again as he told her that he'll sleep with her tonight. But he was definitely annoyed by this. All he wanted was to fuck someone, Moxxie or someone else. But now he can't, and he didn't really want to have sex with an innocent child. Besides at this point, he wasn't turned on anymore, the feeling was gone.

The shark noticed how innocently adorable this girl was, no one can resist her cute face. "Fine. You never tell anyone. My sexy reputation would be ruined forever." Chaz told her. He would get into bed, as he told her to move over a little. Chaz was dreading this, but he just couldn't turn her down. He then starts laying on his side with his back turned to her. 

Chaz didn't want no talking, no cuddling, nothing. He couldn't allow himself to do that since he didn't really like her. But that might end up changing if he stays next to her.

Hana thanks him with a soft smile on her face, she liked that Chaz was hiding his soft side and she didn't care if he was perverted, he cut up her food during dinner which made her feel grateful and comfortable with Chaz.

Hana climbs back in back and seeing Chaz shiver from being cold she kindly wraps the blanket over Chaz so she would be left without warmth, she closes her eyes and smiled turning her back to the shark demon. "Goodnight Chazzy. Sweet dreams." She said and after 10 seconds she falls asleep but she was shivering from being cold since she gave the blanket to Chaz rather than keep it for herself.

Chaz was snoring loudly, and this didn't bother Hana as she stayed fast asleep. Chaz was muttering in his sleep and he was enjoying the dream he was having. "Big. dick... baby oh yeah~" Chaz moans in his sleep and he continues to snore till suddenly he was shaken by Hana.

She had a nightmare and she had dry tears on her cheeks. She sniffs and shook Chaz to wake him up. "C-Chaz... I.. I had a nightmare......"

Chaz groaned in annoyance as he looked at her groggy. He sighed as his eyes opened slowly. He noticed that she was indeed crying. "Ugh really? A nightmare? Look kid, having nightmares in hell is pretty normal. A lot of us has bad dreams in hell every night. Nothing will ever change that." Chaz said. He really didn't care she had a nightmare. He just rolled his eyes as he tried going back to bed.

However, something in him just couldn't let her be sad. Hardly any of his past was known, only when he was with Moxxie. So, no one knew what his childhood was like, Chaz didn't like to talk about it. He turned around to look at her, seeinf that she was distraught. So, he wraps the blanket around her, even allowing her to lay on his chest. "Come on.  Get in here."

He opens his arms to let her cuddle with him, at least for a while. He didn't want to say anything, but she reminded him of when he was a kid. He would sometimes get nightmares, but he didn't have anyone to comfort him. He had a family sure but they didn't really care about him. So he knew how it felt to have a nightmare and then not having anyone to comfort you.

It could be why Chaz was poor and he sell clothes for a living seems like he had it rough and not experienced with relationships he used sex to get out of his problems. Moxxie wasn't the only demon Chaz fell in love with or maybe had feelings for because he knew abandoning Moxxie during the robbery made him feel guilty, but he didn't plan to regret on his actions because this is hell and in Hell it's all about survival or death. Sure, he talks about himself and make everyone think he was better. He jokes inappropriately and not care for boundaries, but he doesn't do low things like fuck or beat a kid. He didn't seem like the abusive type either more like the immature and runaway type of guy.

Hana rests her head on Chas's chest and closes her eyes smiling softly. "You know Chaz. You're a very sweet guy. Your weird but I kinda like you. Your cool." She giggles shyly blushing lightly.

Chaz let's off a little chuckle from his lips and he ruffled up her head gently closing his eyes. "Don't push your luck kid. Your cute but you don't me well enough. Go to sleep now. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

Hana nods her head a little and she gave Chaz a sweet kiss on the cheek before she falls back to sleep again but in the arms of the demon shark.

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