Poor Moxxie

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"But what about daddy?" Hana asked her mother turning around to watch the two shark demons shut the door guarding it from intruders. Mille smiled softly holding Hana's hand taking her upstairs. "Your dad will be back don't worry sweetie. You need to rest honey." Mille replied firmly but in a motherly manner. She was shocked that she couldn't have Hana sleep with her and Moxxie since they do it all the time back at home. Hana had a fear of sleeping by herself being her past and she needed someone to stay with her when she fall asleep.

"Crimson said your all to be in separate rooms. Your daughter is staying in this room." A shark demon said pointing at the room where Hana was to stay in for the night.

"M-mum., I don't want to be there all alone." She whimpers feeling scared as she held her mother's hand tightly not letting her go.

"Hey mills I can tuck her in." Blitz offers to watch Hana till she falls asleep and Mille smiled at Blitz. "That would be nice Blitz, I hate having her sleep all alone in a messed up house."

Hana felt hurt by Crimson's words because she felt like a failure to her father when she couldn't help him fight heart disease. She never been able to stand up for herself and when she tried to it would end up having her get hurt. She wanted to stop feeling helpless and weak. She lets go of her mother's hand and walks to her room. "No it's ok mum, uncle blitz. It's just one night. I will be ok. I promise. I need to grow up. I don't wanna feel like a burden anymore. I love you and tell dad I love him. Goodnight" she gave them a fake smile and closes the door leaving Mille worried for her daughter. Though she wanted Hana to be brave and try to be strong. But she couldn't help but worry about her mental health. "Welll. See yea tomorrow Mille!" Blitz waves goodbye to Mille and slams his door heading to bed.

Mille sighs in frustration and waits for her husband to come upstairs.

Millie loved her daughter so much but she just worries about her all the time. She always worried about both Moxxie and Hana since she was the strongest. But she didn't mind it, really she really loved it. She never wanted to stop protecting her loved ones. After almost 5 minutes went by, Moxxie was done talking to his father. He walked upstairs but since he wasn't allowed to share a room with his family, he had to go into his guest room.

But when he did, he immediately regretted it. He looked around the room which was covered in paintings and photos of Chaz. Moxxie sighed deeply looking at the shark, posing on the bed. "Hey sexy~ Want to have some fun~?" Chaz asked Moxxie while winking at the imp. But Moxxie refused to partake in this. "No. No, no, no. Fuck no. I am not doing this shit again." Moxxie said. This disappointed Chaz but the shark attempted to seduce Moxxie with a song. But that failed as well, Moxxie would then kick Chaz out in the hall.

The shark tried doing the same to Millie but that obviously didn't work either. Chaz then decided to visit Hana, so he knocked on her door. But instead of waiting, he just barges in without waiting around. Luckily for him, the door seemed to be unlocked. He smirked at Hana as he stood next to the door.

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