Matthew 19:26

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"Jesus looked at them and said, " With man this is impossible, but with GOD all things are possible."

Here, Jesus is saying that we cannot do things on our own, although sometimes we like to think we can. We are all powerful and we do have limits to what we can do, but GOD doesn't. HE does whatever he sees fit, and he has all power to do the things that he desires.

So remember this the next time you pray. In case you ever think, " Maybe I shouldn't ask GOD for this because it's kind of a big issue." Just remember that nothing too big for HIM. Nothing.

Don't be afraid to ask GOD for whatever your heart desires, because he does care about the small things just as much as the big things. He wants to hear if you've had a bad day, if you are worried about something, or if you are struggling with anything, he wants to hear and talk with you about it! Don't be afraid to speak what's on your mind with HIM.

Love you all, and God bless. Have a Wonderful Day :)

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