1:First Glance

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I wake up to the sound of a screaming boy pleading for freedom and the thudding of boots. A new kid, this should to be entertaining. I think with a cruel smile sliding across my face. The young boy, who's probably about the same age that I was when I first got dragged here, gets slammed into the bars of the cell beside me with a sickening thud. The guards laugh as the rough him up a bit more. "Come on kid, show us what you can do!" one taunts as the other one punches his in the gut. The kid shakes his head to show that he's not going to give into them and pleads for them to stop, so he has no brain cells, at least he has some fight in him. He'll learn soon enough that begging and showing weakness doesn't get you anywhere.

"Alright fine kid, just means that the doctors get to have a little bit more fun with you." The second one says as he grabs him by his hair and lifts him up for everyone to see from our cells. "Who's willing to take this one in, come on. Someone's gotta take him in." He says as he yanks the kid around letting everyone get a good look at him.

"I'll take him." I roll my eyes as I look at Claires cell, It already has five or six kids in there. If I remember correctly most of them are somewhere between 7 and 10 years old. Don't get me wrong, I like Claire. She takes in all the ones who are weak and need coddling, but this kid isn't one of them. She also took in a kid just last week. A quiet murmur starts up as the tightly packed cells of kids start to talk to each other tensely. I wince as the two guards start walking towards her cell and sigh knowing that I'll be regretting what I'm about to do tomorrow.

"NO! I'll take him!" The guards freeze and turn around yanking the kid along with him as the room falls deadly silent.

"Well, well, well, turns out she does speak," Says guard one.

"And has a heart somewhere in there," Says guard number two as he walks to grab the steel edged whip from the wall.

"Now that's taking it a little bit far don't you think?" Says guard number one as he open up my cell door and tosses the kid inside before yanking me out by my wrist. Smiling he slams my cell door shut and leads me to the center of the room where a single metal pole stands. He tightly binds my hands around it before turning to his buddy. "Would you like to do the honors of teaching her what kindness brings?" I don't hear anything for a moment but the next thing I hear makes me assume that he nodded his head yes. Slowly but surely all of the kids in the room pick up their small tin cups and start tapping them on the bars of their cells. The sound of soft clanging fills the room in a form of peaceful protest and in an unspoken form of support and respect.

A loud snap cuts trough the small tapping of cups as the tip of the whip meets the thin shirt on my back and slices through it as well as my skin. "Now repeat after me darling or we start again, we're going to count to five because I'd hate to ruin such a pretty body." This fucking cunt I swear to good If I ever get the chance I will fucking murder this shit face. CRACK. I zoned out and didn't listen. Fuck.

"Come on sweet heart, its not to hard just repeat after me- One." SNAP. "Come on sweet cheeks say it and I'll let you go back to your cell." I refuse to count with him. "ONE!" CRACK. "Say it you bitch!" He snarls.

This continues for five more lashings with the whip until I realize that I'm going to have to say something. SNAP "One!" I call out hoarsely and rest my head against the metal pole as I hear him laugh. CRACK "Two!" I snarl out resentfully. SNAP "Three!"CRACK "Four!"SNAP "Five" I call out and blink back the tears that are threatening to spill over.

"See babe, now was that so hard?" Guard two asks as new guard walks over and unties my hands that have long since lost their feeling.

"Come on, It's going to be ok." He says... softly? Does this guy actually feel guilty about this? No probably not. But if he does it won't last long. I tell my self silently as I half stumble half get dragged back to the cell.

"Is she about to cry?" Guard one asks in surprise. "That's the most emotion that I've ever seen from her," He says before laughing. He reaches a hand out and rubs his disgusting thumb over my cheek. "You know babe, I would like to see the look on your face after you go a round with me." He says as he wiggles his eye brows.

"Only in your fucking dreams you disgusting bitch." I snarl before realizing what I've done. His fist hit's my face before I even get the chance to try and wiggle away, he then tosses me onto the concrete floor of the cell before locking it and storming away with the new guard and his buddy in tow.

"Man that was not smart idea." I mumble to my self as I feel blood from my whipping run down my side, no doubt staining the floor. Suddenly I feel two hands on my shoulder blades and immediately try to fight the boy.

"Stop will you?!" He hisses quietly and I tensely do as he says. I hear the ripping of fabric and then I hear him quietly sigh. "Do you think you can sit up?" I nod and slowly force my self up into a sitting position facing away from him. He then puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel a warm sensation run trough me and pull away.

"What the fuck are you doing, the guards will see!" I snarl but he moves towards me quickly and grabs my wrist and the feeling starts up again.

"I'm just healing you enough to stop the bleeding!" He hisses, "you'll have to do the rest on your own." I relax again and slowly feel the blood stop running down my back before I feel him start wrapping and tying what I assume is his shirt around my midsection.

"So kid, whats your name...?" I smile as I hear him let out an over dramatic breath and can practically feel him role his eyes.

"I'm not a kid! I'm twelve years old, which means I'm practically a teenager! And it's Alexander..." So he's a little bit older than I was when I got here.

"You are too a kid, I'm three years older than you Alexander." I say jokingly and he rolls his eyes.

"Three years isn't very much!" He protests as I stand up stiffly, "So what's your name...?" he asks nervously and avoids eye contact.

"The name is Ashley, but you can call me Ash. My friends used to call me Ash." I say softly. You're letting this kid in way to fast. You know what happens to the kids here. You're one of the 'lucky' ones. "So how'd you find out about your powers Alex? Can I call you Alex?"

He stiffens and looks away from me, "Of course you can call me Alex, It's what my friends call me." He says with a small smile as I sit down on top of the thin blanket with my back against the wall and pat the ground next to me. He slowly crawls over towards me and cuddles into my side completely ignoring how awkward he's making me feel. "I found my powers out when I healed my mom for the first time. My dad, he isn't- I mean wasn't the nicest person and would beat us. This- this one night was particularly bad, he had stabbed my mom in the side with a kitchen knife before going to the bar. I went up to her and put my hands on her arm and was crying, pleading for her to-" he clears his throat and I wrap my arms around him softly. "Pleading for her to wake up and get better, after a few moments she stopped bleeding, the stab mark healed up, and her bruises disappeared. She woke up and called me a freak. Said that I wasn't natural, that there's something wrong with me. I save her life and she sends me here, some kind thanks huh?" He says softly and I feel my heart brake for him.

"Alex- I'm so- God this sucks." I say while shaking my head with a small sigh. "I'm going to tell you some stuff about this place- your going to have to remember them if you want to survive ok little brother?"

That was the moment I realized I was in to deep. This kid is going to be the death of me because I'd rather die then see him in pain.

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