2: Two Years Later

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We stand side by side in the cell that's becoming increasingly to small for us and watch as one of Claires 'children' gets dragged out of the cell for crying when the guard walked by. I had watched this guard when he first got here comfort the mutants, but he now terrifies and beats them. I knew his good heart wouldn't last, but as I watch him beat this small five year old I never would've guessed that he'd go so far in the opposite direction. The small child screams and squirms as his hand comes down again.

"She really does have a knack for picking out the weaklings doesn't she," Alex whispers to me and I glance over at him before smacking him on the back of the head harshly with a silencing glare.

"She does it because someone has to step up to the plate, If she didn't then who knows what would happen to the kids. She just needs to do a better job of explaining the rules is all." I snarl at him and feel him tense up beside me, "Think before you speak little brother, you still have much to learn." I say with a small smirk on my lips as I glance over at him.

"Oh fuck off. You're only three years older than me you-"

"WILL YOU STOP CRYING YOU STUPID-" Snap. The tense whispers in the room stop as we stare at the mans shocked face as he drops the dead five year old to the ground. Claires muffled whimpers are heard as she stares at one of her dead children. One of her dead 'little ducklings' as she affectionately calls them because of the way that they follow her around. I tear my eyes away and grab our cups handing one to Alex and start to slowly tap against the bars of or cell. Slowly the others join in and watch as the guard is shot execution style by his partner per tradition. We then watch silently as his body is dragged out of the room and as the small girls dead body is picked up and carried out. The guards can do anything to us except for kill us, if they do kill us they're killed on the spot. Only when the doors are shut does the tapping of the cups start to stop as people go back to their daily business.

"Holly shit, sis? Sis has that ever happened before?" He asks quietly from beside me and I set my mug back down and avoid eye contact.

"Once," I clear my throat and stare up at the ceiling for a moment, "Its happened once before since I've been here." I turn to Alex and take his face in my hands, "We're getting out of here. I'm getting us out of here do you understand me?" I ask tensely and he nods. "Ok good. Im going to slip a phone off a guard later and then I'm going to teleport us out of here ok?" I ask only to get pushed away.

"You can only teleport where you can see, doctors said so. And why the hell would you take a phone?!" I shake my head to quiet him down and he stops talking immediately.

"The doctors don't know everything, It's a recant change. It happened last week, I've been waiting for this chance to get us out. If I take a phone I can get the coordinates and I can tell someone about this place, then they'll come and save everyone else. It'll work but you have to trust be." I whisper to him and watch as he nods in silent agreement.

"Fine. How do you plan on getting the phone to learn coordinates?" He asks as he lays down on the ground silently.

"Magic." I say which a smile and a wink. He rolls his eyes while flipping me off and laugh.

"Does the way that you're going to get it have to do with the fact that you were a child prodigy?" He asks and pats the ground next to him as I nod my head.

"Damn straight it does, I didn't read and memorize all of that information for the hell of it. My parents worked for this agency before they disappeared and they'd bring home files on all types of stuff. From case reports, to training techniques, to the field work that they'd have to do. I'd stay up late and read it all then practice it in my room, by the time I was eight I hacked into one of their laptops and read through all of the information that they had available on that. An then when I was ten- Well you know." I say as I walk over to him and he nods silently. I sit down by his head and he scoots up towards me before placing his head on my lap and fights to keep his eyelids open. "Sleep," I whisper, "we're both going to need it for later." With that said he drifts off into his fitful sleep. Truth be told no one in this room sleeps well at all. The night air, or what we assume is night air, is always filled with tossing and turning, muffled cries, and the terrified screams of those who are locked behind the bar doors of this miniature hell.

Two Hours Later.

"Wake up, time to prove you're as great as you claim." Alex whispers and I get up stiffly with a small noise of complaint. We head out of the cell and follow the large crowd of fellow kids and children to the main eating room, it's a small circular room with a basket of bread of rotten food in the middle of it. When I first got here everyone would fight, sometimes to the death, over it. But since I have risen to the role of leader amongst the others kids here I try to make sure that every one gets fed at least every other day. If you're caught stealing or fibbing to get more food you will go three days without food. Harsh? Not considering what this used to be like. I ate yesterday so it's Alex's turn to eat. I watch from my view point in the corner as he gets in line to take a piece of stale bread before looking around the room to make sure no ones causing trouble. Once I'm sure that nobody is going to try something I walk over to Claire and sit down on the floor next to her.

She looks over at me and sighs, "Do you remember when I first got here? You had already been here for a year, and you had protected me the first time that the lunch time came around. I think that's one of the reasons why all the guards hate you, you took away something that used to be so entertaining for them. That and the fact that you never talk to anyone but that Alex kid, I know what you want. I guess I should stop staling, I just wanted someone to sit here and listen to me that can actually understand. Her name was Hannah Sicard, I didn't understand why you were always last to know the names of those who come here. But I think I understand now, the moment you learn their name is the moment you get attached. From that moment on you can no longer treat them as just another face, from that point on they become something with a story, something that has life."

Alex gives me a questioning look when he finds me letting Claire cry on my shoulder but says nothing. We spend the remaining amount of lunch by her side and shoo away anyone that she doesn't invite over with a harsh glare.

On our way out of the lunch room I act like I was tripped and fall into a guard, quickly I pick his back pocket for his phone before he shoves me off and yells at me to watch where I'm going. I widen my eyes and quickly shuffle off in mock embarrassment. Once I'm Back at the cell and we're locked in all of the guards leave I start to hack the phone. It's a tradition of sorts, when a mutant dies we get the night off from testing, torture, and we have no guards. Once I get the phone where I want it coordinates pop up on the screen. (47.606163,-107.402344) Montana, Usa. With a wide grin I quickly clear the data of the location and set the phone up to make it look like I was looking at a picture of the closest town to here. Quickly I grab Alex's hand and put my other hand on the wall.

"Ash, are you absolutely sure?" He asks with a shaking voice and I grip his hand a little tighter.

"I swore to protect you and to get you out of this on my life, If it's on my actual life then so be it." I say in determination before opening up a shadow portal to an abandoned building somewhere outside of manhattan NewYork. "Lets do this." I say quietly and pull both of us through the portal as guards burst through the doors yelling.

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