8: Secrets Are A Funny Thing

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*One extremely painful doctors visit later*

I don't even bother trying to fight with Agent Arrow as he carries me back to who the hell knows where but silently try to fight off the over whelming urge to sleep.

"I'm sorry by the way." I mumble against his chest as I battle to keep my eyelids open.

"For what?" He asks as he continues to walk down the long confuding hallways without sparing me a glance.

"I don't know, for bleeding on your shirt, for fighting with you, for making you carry me, and for everything that I haven't listed or done yet." I say as I let my head flop to the right so that I'm looking at the hallway.

"Don't be. It's part of my job and I'm counting carrying you around as my weight training for the day." He says with a small smile, "So all the stuff you haven't done huh? Do you plan on causing an issue?"

I laugh dryly and roll my eyes "Not necessarily, but trouble seems to follow me where ever I go." I say as a frown takes over my features. Agent Arrow immediately falls silent and pushes the door to a room open. I tense up noticing how the room looks more like a bedroom than an interrogation room. "Where are we? What are you doing? If you try something I will personally chop your balls off and force feed them to you." I snarl the end part and try to resist the urge to smile as his eyes notably widen.

"What?! NO! No, I just figured that you'd want to rest a bit before we interrogate you." He says as he gently sets me down on the bed. "I would never- I mean your like what, twelve?" He asks trying to stress the point that he knows he's way to old for me. A small chuckle makes it's way out and I push my self further up into bed and curling up under the covers.

"Thanks Agent Arrow, and I'm seventeen please don't make me feel bad because I'm vertically challenged. Just because I'm the height of an average twelve-year old doesn't mean shit ok? I can still do things, it's just that reaching the top shelf isn't included in those things." I say quietly as I start to drift off and hear him chuckle in response.

*About One Hour Later*

I wake up to a familiar feeling of being uncomfortably hot, sweaty, and an overwhelming sense of absolute fear from another nightmare. I jolt upward and glance around the room panicking- this isn't my room. This isn't even my home! Is Alex safe? Where is he? Where am I? What the fuck happened? I thrash around in an all to familiar fashion and feel a sharp pain in my side. "Fuck." I cry out in pain and see someone for the first time sitting in the corner of the room silently watching me. In sheer panic mode I back up from them as fast as I can and end up falling off of the bed and onto the floor. Someone walks through the door and spots me and tries to run over and help me. I immediately recoil in fear with a scream and throw my hands up creating a small shield to protect me but don't lash out at them.

"Hey, hey it's ok... You're going to be fine, listen to my voice and calm down. Once you start to wake up properly you'll start to remember where you are ok." The calm voice states and my shadow shield flickers out and disappears, after a few moments all of the memories come rushing towards me.

"How is he? When can I see him? Did it go well?" I ask Captain America as I stand up and test the weight on my leg.

"I'm going to take you to doctor Banner, he can answer all of your questions. Then we take you to interrogation room ok?" He asks as he offers me an arm, I glance at it and shake my head with a small smile towards the gesture.

Angel Of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora