Chapter 1. "Can I come over? My mom died"

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~Mark's POV~

I awoke at around 4 AM to my phone ringing. Its Cesar, why would he be calling at the middle of... well not really the night... anyways,  I pick up the phone. "What's up Cesar?" i said, groggily. "Hey mark.. sorry for calling so early in the morning, but I was wondering if maybe..." he paused for a good minute. "If maybe I could come over?" I was a little surprised he'd want to come over so soon but I didn't really didn't mind, " yeah its fine man, why do you want to come over?" "I- uh... No reason really, I uhh just wanted to come and ... hang out with you" he didn't sound like he was quite sure whether or not he actually wanted to. All of a sudden i heard his engine start. "dude are you coming NOW?" "uhh... yes." He isnt ... Normally this akward, it might just be because he's tired but whatever.


~ "Cesar's" POV~

I got to Mark, I think he may be suspecting I am not... ACTUALLY Cesar, but i'm sure he doesn't really notice because its late at night. I knock on his door, he opens it, i dont think he really notices that im an alternate because it's dark, and he's half asleep. I just have to roll with it. He pulls me over to the couch and we sit, he turns on a movie and puts his head on my chest... Crap I didn't know that Cesar was his boyfriend! Crap, this is so cute, it makes me feel so... good.. I rub his head with my right hand. His hair is soo soft, it feels like one of Cesar's felines. 


I wake up. Crap, i fell asleep cuddling with a human, Gabriel is going to be so angry. It felt so good, though... ive never felt that way before. I hope he doesn't  notice im not his boyfriend..

~Mark's POV~

I wake up, Cesar must've waken up first and gotten off of me because now i hear him in the kitchen. I stand up and take a few steps towards the kitchen. "Hey Cesar, i was wondering if you could make me some waffle-" That's not Cesar. The entity pretending to be my boyfriend was in the kitchen, wearing CESAR'S suit, with CESAR'S hair.. the part that made it easier to tell that it was not him was that the entire left side of his body was pitch black, and looked.. Gooey... i wonder what its dick looks like- WOAH where did that come from? ugh i need to get this thing out of my house.

he must've noticed that i kinda.. paused for a few minutes because he was now staring at me. It was awkwardly smiling at me... like a person. I dont understand, how is this.. THING so humanoid? He's.. kind of hot.. Oh crap, i started blushing infront of it "wha-whats wrong? you e-e-embarrassed that you let an ALTERNATE into your HOUSE?" i really couldn't think of much to say.. but i said the first thing that i could honestly think of. "wanna come to bed with me?" 

~"Cesar's" POV~

What? Why did he say that? i am literally an alternate standing in this mans' kitchen, i dont even know what to say.. but it was.. kinda.. hot? No i cant think that way. Gabriel would get angry "sure." i say. Wait, WHAT?! i... i agreed to it ? It just.. slipped out of my mouth.. i do kind of want to, though. "wait, wait what?! you are literally an alternate i- i was NOT .. expecting for you to say yes!" he stammered, he definetly said that on accident.. i dont mind, though.


i hope you liked this. its based off of a cesar x mark story i read by @MandelaFan23

it was a wonderful story. and i hope you can enjoy this as much as i enjoyed their story

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