(⁠✯ Unexpected - #1 . )

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Click ... click ... click ...
All that could be heard within the carven walls, echoing deep underground. Tapping away at a monitor, bright and green, was Syntax. He'd been down here for a while now, working and working, all night. Syntax was never the one to sleep, he was more of the nocturnal kind, unlike the rest of the clan.

" Shoot- " He whispered, as something red popped up in the sceen before it. It read 'Error', big and bold. The spider had gotten frustrated, by each minute. He was like a ticking time bomb, speeding up each time hes messed up something in its code. Syntax finished its last coffee already, he said that would be its last, at least. None the less, he isn't the one to keep promises or whats said, he was always like that.

Hours and hours have passed, progress is cut short due to the amount of errors. Why did the Queen keep it? Out of everyone else? He was useless. He couldn't do anything right, at all. He had hit its hand down on the table. Damnit, Syntax! You're supposed to be useful to the Queen! Not some failure for her! Get a grip!
Its thoughts cut off by the sudden sound of footsteps. He sighed, turning around its chair to see a man, surrounded by fog. The spider was startled, expecting someone apart of the clan or the mysterious girl. But no, it was her henchmen, someone he knew nothing about. He was just as mysterious as the girl, keeping a constant big wide smile everywhere he goes. It's very eery, especially with his bright, white eyes. He was always dressed in the same suit, a grey suit attire, with blue stripes. And his tie, that was a blue that faded to a purple.

The man chuckled before speaking,
" Why, a pruny demon working with tech? How funny, truly. " He glared at the Spider Demon. Watching its every movement and expression. His face keeping a big smile.
As the man spoke, the Spider had tensed a little, his voice was unsettling to say the least. " I'm not a pruny demon, I'll have you know. " Syntax snapped back at him. The spider didn't have time for the man, so he swiveled its chair back to the screen, going back to working.

The man scoffed, and continued to walk foward, now by Syntax's seat. " I must say, Spider, your work looks astounding. " He spoke, looking at the screen before him. A demon, doing all of this? It's unbelievable to him. Especially working for such a Queen like the Spider Queen. But least to say, the entire clan is just being used for his Queen. The Spider shivered at the cold fog suddenly behind it, startled to see the mystery man next to it. He stopped dead in its tracks, " Thank you..? " Syntax softly spoke, concerningly. He doesn't know what the man could be capable of, but surely what the mystery girl could do, he could do, too.

Syntax sighed, returning its focus to the work infront, continuing to click away, and away.
" I'm no professional, but shouldn't you take a break, pruny Spider? You do a lot for our plans. I'd hate for our main source to go to waste. " The man said, as he put his hand on the Spiders back. His cold touch against the warm man. His voice left a bitter taste on Syntax, like venom.
Unsettling, and felt unpromising, even. The spider once again shivered at the sudden cold. What did this mystery man want? He had been working long enough, enough to set it off, but he didn't need another bother midway on its work.
" Tch-I'll be fine. I don't know if you've noticed the amount of mugs, but I'll be up for a while. I need to have this work done for my Queen. I don't need your comments. " Syntax scoffed, he looked at the man in the corner of its eye, " What's your name anyway, mystery? " He had asked him, enough with the confusion on what his identity was over. So, he quickly swiveled its chair towards the mystery man. Changing the subject from before.

The man straightened his posture, and fixed its tie before opening his mouth, " Why should I tell you, Spider? That's unimportant information. " He gave Syntax that eery, creepy smile. Unsettling, even, it left shivers down Syntax's spine all the time he caught a glimpse of the man. He poked the Spiders nose as to tease.

..." Didn't need to be so snappy. " He spoke. " Whatever, it could be the least of my worries. " He scoffed, before turning back to its work. Annoyed with such a response. He even rolled its eyes.

" All you need to know is thst I'm working with you. Call me a colleague if you must. " Glaring down at the demon who had turned its attention back to the monitors.

Like that, it was little comments from the colleague, all until sunrise. It wasn't quite fun for the Spider, to sum it up. But it was entertaining to a certain someone. When Syntax has finally fixed mistakes and finished up. He had turned around to see the man had disappear, with a note left on its desk.

' Until tomorrow, Spider. This was quite entertaining for me, I thank you. '

He had sighed, he wouldn't want another night with the colleagues nonsense. Didn't have the time for it either.
But with that, he continued on with the morning. Off to show the Queen what he had done.

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