(⁠✷ FILLER - (👾💀)

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Syntax leaned back in his chair, exhausted for the day. He hadn't gotten a minute of sleep, working all day and night. He just couldn't sleep. Fuck—he doesn't even remember the last time Mayor ever visited him within the last few days. Don't think that matters though, he brushed it off before getting back to work.


A possible few hours pass, of constantly clicking at his computer. Suddenly, familiar cold mist seeped into the room, causing Syntax to shiver , and clenching his coat to together. "Oh, spider!" There, the familiar mist weakened as the demon cooed out. He appeared from behind Syntax, leaning over his shoulder, "My, days! I've had an eventful day today with my Lady!" Syntax sighed, stopping in his tracks, "Ohh, I could go on and on! Where should I start? oohh, I know! Me and my Lady visited familiar faces today!!" Mayor squealed out. Syntax simply listened and nodded, having no interest about his 'lady' or anything eventful . He has better things to do then to sit around and listen, but he brushed it off, it doesn't matter as much. By now Syntax blurred out everything until Mayor got his attention with something.

Mayor snapped his fingers infront of Syntax, causing him to slightly jump. "Were you even listening?" He asked, "Are you alright? You seem tired." Syntax waved his hand, "I'm fine." He said, leaning forward to continue his work. Mayor stayed quiet, observing as he worked. "Perhaps you'd want to hear about the most exciting thing?" Syntax simply nodded in response, moving all his focus on his work and not paying attention to a single thing Mayor had to rant about his 'lady.'

"You aren't listening again. Perhaps you're just uninterested, is that it?" Mayors smile didn't falter, though being a little disappointed, that's when Syntax shook his head, "I'm listening, I don't know what you see." Mayor raised a brow, "You didn't answer my question, are you uninterested?"

There was silence, as Syntax kept working. Faint sounds of dripping and clear clicking from infront of Mayor. "Can you fetch me a file from my drawer? It should be in a green folder." Mayor hummed, grabbing said folder and handing it. "So?" The demon pushed, wanting answers. "So, what? What are you asking me??" Syntax snapped back, going through the file he was given. "Are you uninterested about me talking about my Lady?" The arachnid once again stayed silent. The demon behind simply pondered, if he wasn't getting answers he's just guessing

in silence.


Moments of awkward silence went by, by then Mayor wasn't getting any answers out of the arachnid before him. "I suppose I'll be on my way, good day, Spider." Mayor spoke, opening a portal behind him and taking his leave. Syntax simply teared up, letting out small sobs.

// HI ventish thing but i decided to post since I've been quiet. I'll start writing soon!! So sorry :((

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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