(⁠✯ A walk - #2 . )

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The day after the night before.

His body ached, almost like a million things fell down at him all at once. He never once goes against any punishment the Lady Bone Demon gives, and he'll never go against whatever decision she makes, even if its against him. Not an ounce of him will let him take disrespect towards his lady, never ever, and he'll never see the day where he'll disrespect her himself. The Mayor never seemed to care about what type of punishment he was ever given, if he goes against her wishes he gets what hes deserved, and its been understood since forever. Though, mistakes are mistakes. And he sometimes just can't seem to control it.


Though, it had been an hour or so since then, the sun was almost down. There was nothing else to do left, nothing down in the Town Hall, or any commands to be done, and he most certainly doesn't just want to be walking around in the towns Tea Gardens yet again. That's when a thought came to mind-Visiting the spider, a mutant apart of the Spider Clan, he hadn't gotten its name, just yet. Though, it seems he wouldn't need it anytime soon, it'll die, anyway.

The Mayor and his lady worked alongside with the Spider Clan, for their uses and smarts. Soon to be dead, just for the world and their plans. Though, the one that actually did seem smart was that one spider, with the bright green hair, dressed in a buttoned up shirt with green lining and a dark purple coat. It seemed like he always had its mech limbs out and a visor on, though the man wondered why. Why must he have the visor on all the time? It's interesting, though, he shouldn't care none the less. He shouldn't ever give a care about the Spider Clan, let alone even bother, yet he does bother. Bother a specific one, to be exact.


Click, click, click ...
Fast typing is heard, yet again back down in same place. The silk cave underneath, pipes and cobweb everywhere. The only thing seen are tunnels and the lab. Syntax had been working late, in order to finish up a project, actually he was already almost done. Just a few finishing touches and he's done for the night, without anything that can hold it behind a little-Like small errors, but he hadn't run in to any just yet, which was perfect enough for it.

There, then and there, was suddenly a cold gust of wind right behind it. That's when he had remembered, the colleague from the night before. He sighed, in surprise. A small, " Oh, great. " He actually didn't expect for him to come back, but here he is, the devil.

" Why, if it isn't the spider! Still down and working, wonderful! " The man spoke, in an enthusiastic voice. Syntax had swiveled its chair to face the man, legs crossed, arms crossed and looking at the man who'd been stepping foward. The spider had been wearing a visor again, at the right moment, too. Syntax never takes off the visor unless it's important or around the clan, of course. Syn had sighed once again, " Greetings, colleague. " He waved its hand before turning its focus back on the work, almost finished. " What do you need tonight, hm? I'm almost done and I don't need you pestering me. " Almost a snappy tone towards the man.

Mayor, on the other hand, clicked its tongue, " Ah-Spider, spider, spider. I'm simply here for a visit, of course! No need to be so snappy now, hm? " Jesturing, of course he was here to pester the man. It was entertaining for him once, it'll entertain him again.

The spider scoffed, " I may have known you for a day now, but I can tell thats a blatant lie. " He said, as he clicked away, finishing the work. Now all he has to do is to share it next morning, to the Queen. Something accomplished before the mysterious man had gotten ahold of pestering it.

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