Chapter Nine

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Kendra laid in bed, staring at the ceiling for far too long after she had woken up and should have gotten out of bed. Her bones still felt like they had turned to jelly after Noah brought her to orgasm with his mouth and fingers. They had cut out of work two hours early, and Kendra immediately went to bed, and slept so deeply, it felt like she had blinked. Every time she closed her eyes though, she saw Noah, between her legs, his finger over his lips, his eyes dark and seductive.

And every time she saw that, her pussy clenched. Just like it was doing now.

She flipped over, and groaned. She had no idea how she would survive another night in evidence with him. Let alone so many more nights with him.

Kendra groaned and flipped over again, and pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes, rubbing them.

"God, I am so fucked," she said to her ceiling. Her phone pinged, and she plucked it up from her side table.

NOAH: You good? You're kinda late. Dreaming about me?

Cocky fucker.

Kendra set her phone down then picked it up again, then set it down again, then picked it up again. She wanted to type a scathing message back, telling him to fuck off, or telling him she was sick and not going to work.

But she physically needed to be next to him. And would do anything in her power to be beside him.

So instead of a witty response, she made a lame excuse.

KENDRA: I forgot to set my alarm and overslept. Be there soon.

By the time she was out of the shower five minutes later, there was another text from him.

NOAH: Likely story. Got you coffee, a sandwich, and a brownie.

Yup. She was so incredibly fucked.

Kendra decided to wear leggings again, but this time put her own hoodie on, and she was racing to the elevator, head down, fingers tapping on her phone, when she ran right into Agent Crowley.

"Oof!" They said in unison, Crowley stumbling backward and Kendra tripping forward. A file of papers scattered over the floor, as Crowley's arms windmilled to keep them upright, Kendra's own weight pressed against him, before she could right her own legs

"I'm so sorry," Kendra said, hissing as her bruised chest smarted as she knelt to scoop up the file and the papers. Emblazoned across the front of the file was the name Honeysuckles. She slipped all the loose papers into the folder and handed it back to Crowley, who was scooping up evidence bags. "Where are you going with all this? Do you want me to take this all to evidence instead?"

A strange sensation crept down her spine as he yanked the file from her fingertips, the papers slicing into her hands. "No, I got it. It was requested for study," Crowley said, before turning to the elevator and jamming his finger into the button to go downstairs. Kendra raised from her kneel and swept her hands down her leggings, the tiny paper cuts stinging. She stared at the back of his head as he shifted back and forth between his feet. He was nervous.

"Want me to walk you?" Kendra asked, taking a step to stand beside him. She looked sidelong at him, but he wouldn't turn to meet her gaze.

"It's not necessary. I'm going to see... Bryan."

"That's fine, I'm late anyways," Kendra said, the elevator right after him. Kendra jabbed the floor for evidence, and arched her brow at Crowley. "I insist."

He laughed at her, and jammed his own finger into his own floor. "It's fine, really," he said, his eyes roving up and down her body, which was blocking the exit, her back to the open doors, her body blocking the only feasible exit. When the doors slid shut, she approached him, and stood uncomfortably close to his side.

Shadows in the Concrete Jungle Book One: The GreyWhere stories live. Discover now