Chapter Eleven

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"I have something for you," Noah said once they got to where their car was parked.

"What's that?" Kendra said, adjusting the tiny purse she got that held only her cell phone, and one single credit card, and her ID. She hated the tiny thing, but since her perfect dress didn't have any pockets, she had to make due with the purse to hold her necessities. Another thing she didn't like? Feeling naked without her guns strapped to her thighs. But that couldn't be remedied easily. She was about to round the rear of the car, when his hand caught hers, causing her to pause and flip back towards him.

She had noticed the velvet case when they met up in the common room, while Noah was drinking her in like a dying man in the desert. She absolutely felt smug. And more importantly, vindicated. And most importantly, she felt beautiful.

Noah sat the velvet case down onto the trunk of the car, then slid it over to her after dropping her hand. "In case things get dicey, and for when we can't have our weapons on us," he said, as Kendra flipped the lid open.

Inside, resting on the black velvet, was a necklace, and dangling on two different chain lengths apiece, were dagger charms. Along the tiny length were a few small runes. Kendra dragged her finger along the chain, and then looked up to Noah. "Just like yours?"

"Just like mine," he said, bobbing his head in a nod. Kendra was... shocked. She didn't even think to ask for something like this. She loosened the chain from the velvet and flipped the cover closed. "You just have to touch the rune and it'll become a full size dagger."

"I love it," Kendra said undoing the clasp to put it on. And because she couldn't help herself, she said, "Can I get Nicholas's number to text him my thanks?" Clearly, it was Nicholas who had enchanted everything, and not Noah, though it may have been Noah's idea.

Noah only rolled his eyes and smiled at her while he took the delicate chain from her hands and put it on her. "Of course, and then you can also send him pictures of you trying on green dresses," he chuckled, and once the clasp was together again, Kendra felt his fingers running gently along the metal of it, skimming her skin. Her own finger was skimming the chain of one of the daggers when Noah leaned forward. "Though this dress looks incredible on you."

Kendra turned her head towards his face, only inches from his. "I know," she said, and stepped away from him to slide into the car. It took all of her willpower to not turn back to him, and gleefully tell him thank you for the necklace, and for the protection. And damn did it ache to not turn to see his exasperated face when she stepped away from him.

Noah only opened the driver door and plopped right into his seat.

Their drive was quiet, Kendra's watching the buildings pass by them, her leg bouncing with nerves. She had read up as much as possible on Honeysuckles, news articles, a Wiki page, the club's own website, just to glean as much information as possible on it. Every so often, she absently ran her thumb along the thigh harnesses, the holsters missing, making her feel naked, and worse, unprotected.

Though she did do some hand to hand training, she preferred her guns to take out demons, but a dagger would have to do if they ran into trouble tonight. A dagger, and the trust she had in her partner.

"We are just looking for demons, or drugs, tonight," Noah said, reminding her of the purpose of the investigation.

"I know," she said. "But we still have to blend into the crowd to not stand out. So, I will be getting a single drink, and also dancing."

She turned her head to face Noah, and caught the edge of a smirk tugging up his lips.

"Sure, one drink, one dance, and then snooping," he agreed, coming to a stop as they got off the freeway to get to Wilshire. Kendra angled her head away, to take in all the dazzling lights and all the people still out, but not before she caught Noah eyeing her thigh.

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