Chapter 20: Norman's Last Days

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In an undisclosable location, Amara and her colleague, Matsumoto were waiting for the arrival of an important individual. As he arrived, they signalled for Don to be brought it.

"You psychopathic witch, you threw me off a cliff!" Don screamed immediately he saw Amara, almost reaching for her before he saw a familiar face. "I suspected you were behind this, you don't care about us aces anyway" he said as he took a seat and calmed down.

"Don, I would like to introduce you to X" Amara said. The shock on Don's face was vivid,

"you're X, that doesn't make sense. You've help us so much, how can the enemy be an ally?" He asked confused. With a smile X replied,

"I am clearly not who you think I am." Don was still confused.

"Zakar, we wish for him to be stopped, you also want that, right?" Matsumoto asked Don.

Emma, Peets and Maxim were back from their knowledge dive back at the island and they had a lot of questions for Amara. So they went to visit her in her prison cell deep below sea level.

"I see you're back" Amara said playfully.

"We need answers." Emma said sternly.

"Alright then, let me start with the most nerve racking thing on your mind right now," Amara then paused for a little, "Norman's Last Days," she said after the pause. The other three nodded and Amara smiled.

"Norman's last Days was a name proposed in the early turn of the 20th century but was not used until about 50 or so years after. It was the name of a group whose origin goes back centuries." Amara began to explain.

"I'm so confused right now" Don said unsettled.

"This might help," Matsumoto said as he began to explain. "Zakar's aces right now are yourself, Amara, Lulu, Ronnie Anne, Ufti, Covis and I, right?"

"Well, apart from you and Covis, the rest of us had a mission before we joined. Which was to stop this maniac in his tracks."

"You have had a lot of opportunities, if you really wanted to, he would be dead by now" Don enquired.

"That man cannot be killed. We've tried everything, poison, toxins, we even dropped an atomic bomb on his head in Nagasaki. Walked out of the bloodbath without even a scratch." X answered.

"And here you all are, still going strong." Don said. "So let me guess, you wanna turn him back to the abysmal monster he once was. You know, the one that caused havoc so long ago," Don said in a very terrifying tone.

"Just after the founding families came together to amass resources to take a stand against the Dragon Prince, that's what he was called back then. A few high ranking members of the family created The Order of the Night.

They were made up of thieves, serial killers, robbers, basically outcasts recruited by the families. Highly efficient but highly volatile also. They hardly got along, they fought and killed amongst themselves.

One of my favourites was a story I read about a serial killer who was recruited, he loved to see strong, courageous women. But what he loved more than that was to see the light and strength go out their eyes right before they die. Pretty daunting, right?" Amara asked with a smile on her face. The three just looked at each other in silence.

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