Introduction (RECISED)

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"Someone get me a status report!" Amara screamed, "any communications from the ground?" She asked again. Now pacing frantically, the loud noise of destruction and utter chaos as people screamed and shouted could be heard over the comms systems. She was getting even more impatient. "Someone get me something, anything. This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Ma'am, I have H on line 8," one comms operator said.
"Ronnie is on line 13," another said.
"Covis just called in on line 4," he added.
"Put them through and someone get me Matsumoto,"
"He was in a flight going out of Ukwa, all communications have been lost with the airplane."

A couple days after a new natural disaster known as the Sound Quake hit the Country of Conda, Peets woke up to his twin sister sitting by his hospital bed. The Sound Quake as the authorities called it was the first of it's kind amongst the natural disasters. Although smaller scaled incidents had been noticed all year around the world and were known as Loud House. An high intensity of deafening sound and heat would suddenly gush out of the earth. The cause of it was still unknown to man but as recent studies showed the only logical explanation was that earth was trying to lose its always increasing heat. Though, the Sound Quake was far greater than anything the authorities could have predicted.

The intense heat it caused dried up all the rivers and lakes in the vicinity. The sound alone was able to completely destroy half of the city of Culat, the biggest and most prosperous city in the whole of Africa. The effects of the quake were felt across the whole of Northern Conda and was just enough to cause significant damage to the city of Ukwa, a city in Northern Conda, the most developed country in Africa, where the Karps and Wood families lived.

This event would mark a significant vantage point in the chain of historic events that would unfold thereafter.

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