Chapter 2

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The field is quiet. There is no sign of life out there. Obviously, Transilvania was not how it once was. The ancient land used to be sprinkled with castles and forests that came straight out of fairy-tales. It was now gray, tall skyscrapers towering over dimly lit streets.
Sasha was on the lookout for any trespassers that might stumble into his clan's campsite. He hated the job, but he had to do it. It was nighttime and his friends were probably enjoying some good food together, he was on the watch for humans. Vampires dont even need human food in order to survive, they just eat it to enjoy it, but most of the times Saha missed dinner because of his night watch. They were all hiding in a forest surrounded by a larger field and there was absolutely no chance for stangers to stumble upon their well hidden camp. But still, being the youngest in the pack did come with its disadvantages...
Sasha grew up with this clan, they stuck togheter through everything. It was quite surprising, honestly, and Sasha admired their efforts to stay together. But he was the youngest, and his family wasn't really the type to baby him. They just assumed he was weaker and dumber so they made him do all the odd jobs. He kept sucking it up, even though he wasnt really happy with that, he depended on the clan to survive and being kicked out would be such a huge dishonor he would just end it then and there. So he kept doing the odd jobs.
He was about to throw a fit again and return in the camp, when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. A human plane.... a military human plane... they were in trouble. He ran back to the camp, stumbling over tree roots on his way. He arrived, panting, and everyone looked his way, somewhat confused. The look of complete terror on Sasha's face gave them a hint of what was happening, and their signal was the single word he spoke: "Run" .
The getaway plan was something everyone in the clan was very familiar with, everyone had a bag of resources on hand in order to escape and scattered through the camp to seek safety. The clan's oldest member stood behind to not only negociate but also to sacrafice himself in order to save the clan, if needed.
Sasha ran to his tent, grabing his stuff, the fuss outside beginning to settle down. He hid in the shadows. Suddenly, the hunters' footsteps could be heard, their combat boots hitting the ground harshly as they ran towards the camp. The elder was quiet as well, not a word escaping his lips. The hunters wasted no time as they began the massacre. The vapires were fighting back, but it seemed like the hunters and an outstanding wildcard. Luckily, Sasha's parents and siblings have already escaped, him being the only one left to watch over their home. The hunters started to inspect the tents, and the young vampire took better cover behind the door. He had a plan... it just had to work...
The heard the footsteps nearing, he saw the door swing and someone barging inside. He quickly jumped at the figure, grabing his head in a chokehold amd bared his fangs out, threatening him. The other hunters froze at the sight.

"One step closer and i kill him" Sasha treated the hunters, glaring at the woman who was only now recovering from the incident.

"Easy, now, kid, no need to get agressive. Just let him go and we'll let you go" the asian woman said, calmly. Sasha knew better than to trust a hunter. He started inspecting the guy he was holding. He was gasping for air, his face turning slightly red from the lack of oxigen. His dark brown hait was cut short and he was wearing the usual military uniform. His body was fit and muscular, slightly taller than him, but Sasha was clearly overpowering him.
Still holding the man in his chokehold, Sasha started backing away.

"If u want him, you have to take him yourself" he said, as he sprinted out the back of the tent, knocking the man out with a hard hit in his head.
Dragging the man behind him, he ran as fast as he ever could. He didn't know where to go, he just ran. When the sun started to rise, he realised he needed to find a shaded place to hide. He headed iside a skyscraper and went to the higher floors, closing the blinds as he settled inside the building. Sasha the tied the soilder with ropes and left him laying unconscious on the floor looking at him. He was sleeping so peacefully, not even close to how aggressive he was barely a few hours ago. He was quite handsome, Sasha thought. He dicided to let him speak when he woke up.

"What am I going to do with you, huh?"

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