Chapter 4

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Val looked the boy up and down again... He could end him right this moment, but, oddly enough, he didn't. 'Why are you like this?' He asked himself. 'GO AHEAD! STRIKE HIM!'. His thoughts were cut off when he noticed the look on Sasha's face change to an expression of confusion.
"What now?" the boy asked
That was his snap back to reality. He was facing a vampire, hands free, and the creature before his eyes didn't seem to have any evil intentions. He didn't even have his guard up as a defensive system. 'How stupid of him' Val thought. Without any thinking left to do, he swung his right hand, his fist landing hard on the other's cheek. A loud cry could be heard shortly after the hit and the boy collapsed to the floor. He looked up at Val, slightly confused. He was hesitant. He didn't usually give his enemies enough time to breathe between his hits. 'Focus...' A second strike hit Sasha in the guts, a whimper escaping his lips as he felt the sharp pain rise in his body. 'What has gotten into him? He was perfectly calm seconds ago...' Sasha's thoughts surprised him.
Val hands shot at his waist, where his laser blades usually were, only to notice the holsters weren't there. The shock was probably visible on his face because a sly grin curved the vampire's lips right that moment and he could see his fangs sticking out.
"OH, HELL NAH." Val took a couple of steps back as the vampire shot back up on his legs, now truly ready to fight, a mischievous look plastered on his face.
They were now facing each other, both ready to defend themselves, not ready to attack the other. Val's eyes were glued to the vampire for a few seconds as they were circling each other. His mind was running laps, trying to figure out what to do next. Then, the steps were clear to him.
1. Defend yourself. Don't allow him to hurt you
2. Find the laser blades. Judging from the marks left in the room, they came in, but no one left. That means the laser blades were here somewhere.
3. Flee. Examine the area outside. Try to run far away and get the high ground.
He somehow didn't want to get too involved in the vampire's death, so he decided to stay defensive and run away. As proved earlier, Sasha wasn't very good at keeping his group's secrets. Even though the odds of meeting him again, for the information he might slip, were low, he somehow felt like that's the best thing to do. Just leave. Leave him be and the universe will repay him for this act of kindness he did when he decided to let him live. But it seems like the vampire had other intentions. He jumped at him with his fangs showing. Val dodged that as best as he could, but he was surprised when the boy's teeth didn't come close. He didn't allow him any time to be confused as his fist his his chest hard. His breath was knocked out of him and he could feel himself gasping for air, coughing. Vampires, as all the other mythical creatures, had an incredible strength, that being one of the reasons why humans needed special technology in order to fight against them. Fist fights were off limits because of that. Even though they were really strong, they took hits just as hard as humans, so they weren't immune to pain and such.
What Sasha just pulled on him was something like a decoy for the actual punch. He didn't go for the obvious kill, Val thought. 'He might think the exact same thing that I'm thinking right now. Defend and flee.'
Another punch came his way, but this time Val was able to block it, making the vampire loose his balance. With that opportunity, he took his chance and swung his fist again, striking him right across the jaw. Blood was now dripping from the corner of his mouth. He had a vicious look on his face, as if he didn't understand why Val was doing what he was doing. Just that moment, a shimmer caught Val's eyes at the corner of his vision. A quick glimpse in the direction of the light indicated him that what he just saw was the aluminum handle of the laser blades. He might have taken one second too long to decide whether to knock the guy before him out or take the weapons and run, as he planned, but in the end he kicked Sasha's face with the tip of his boot, just enough to send him to sleep and quickly headed towards the blades. With one look back at the boy's limp body on the floor, Val left the building and took in his surroundings in order to create a plan for what comes next. He needs to meet his comrades in his unit and report everything that happened. He's sure that his best friend, Daniel, would be very worried by his disappearance by now.
Daniel was only one younger than Val. They found each other on the streets of Peru back when they were both kids and stuck together to survive. In terms of looks, they were the polar opposites, Val's hair was as dark as a raven's feather, and Daniel's hair was a light blonde, almost white. Val's eyes were a dark coffee brown, Daniel's eyes were a deep ocean blue. Despite that, their body proportions were almost the same. From the moment they met, they clicked with the other so well and they quickly became best friend in a world where that wasn't very normal. When it came up, they both enlisted together in the hunters' school and signed up for the military together. Everyone they met told them they are star-struck twins, and that they were really lucky to have found each other.
Right now, Daniel might be worried sick for his best friend and Val was out in the night air, questioning his actions. That wasn't the right thing to do to the people you love, Val thought to himself. So he found a safe place in one of the run-down buildings around somewhere in the higher floors, but not too high for him to be able to jump out the window if he needed to. The next day, he would use his tracking devices to find the rest of his unit and report to Commander Chen. She was very strict, but with an honest confession, he might be able to get away with this night he spent away. No more thinking about the vampire, in pain, on the floor of the apartment where he was held hostage for a few hours. No more thinking of the full moon on the night sky and how it could help him heal, if the blinds weren't closed. No more thinking about those blue eyes and that silk hair. No more thinking about....
"FUCK!" Val exclaimed in the night. But it was too late. He was already thinking about him. How he hurt him without hesitation, only because his mind told him to. He was on auto-pilot. His mind was running laps, seconds felt like hours, but he just couldn't help it but think.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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