Chapter 3

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The sun was high in the sky by the time Val woke up. It takes him only a couple of seconds to take in his surroundings and remember what happened last night. He remains calm and glances around the room only to find that there's no one around. Not in sight, at least. He can feel someone watching him. The young vampire is here somewhere, and he can feel it. It doesn't take too long for his kiddnaper to show himself.

"Sooooo..... you 'got a name or something?" the boy asked, hesitant

"Hoho, you wish, buddy, im not telling you anything," Val answered, making sure to throw a cheeky tone so that the kiddnapper knows he's not scared of him.

"That's fine by me, I didn't want to talk anyway. Not with you, at least, a filthy hunter." The vampire replied, emphasizing the last sentence.

"Filthy?! If someone here is filthy, that's you! You and your kind. Why do you travel in a pack anyways, aren't vampires lone creatures?"

"That's not a pack, Sherlock, that's a caln, it's a politically structured community. Packs are like animalic instincts: they stick together to survive and we stick together to thrive. Why associate us with those wolves?"

"Thanks for the introduction to your little society. That's really great information." Val said, with a sneaky smile plastered on his face.

"A pack?! I'm deeply offended, that's just stupid."

"You're stupid."

"Yeah, well, you're aberrant,"

"Well, you're an idiot."

"Trust me, pal, i feel the same way about you, i promise your feelings are mutual." The kiddnapper was getting irritated, his long hair that was tied in a man-bun at the back of his head was starting to fall out of the hair tie and frame his face so that his features were clear.
In that moment of silence, Val took his time analyzing the man standing before him. His hair, a light chestnut color with slight waves, his eyes, piercing blue, so electric they lit up the whole room shadowed by the blinds. His figure was slim but fit. His clothes were simple, he wore an oversized teeshirt and simple jeans. He looked really young, but he knew a vampire's age was only a number. Val couldn't help but wonder, though...

"How old are you?" he asked.
"You didn't tell me your name. Why should i tell you my age?" The vampire replied with a shaky voice.
"You told me about your lifestyle. Why keep your age a secret?"
"I won't tell you, and you can't force me. You're defenseless, you're here with your hands tied behind your back, facing a vampire. I could kill you right now for all you know. You're lucky i still need you and a negotiation object."
"Oh, i wouldn't be so sure..." Val slid his arms from around the piller he was tied to. During this conversation, his fingers worked hard to pull at the strings behind his back.
"You're joking..." The guy almost face-palmed himself. "How the fuck did you do that? You fucking wizard, that knot is specific to vampires, there's no way you would know it".
"Oh, quite the contrary, in fact, we learn that in second year, its one of the basics." Val answered, casually.

Although he was now in some kind of danger, the boy didn't attack Val, he was actually quite scared and not very good at hiding that, as Val could see it written all over his face. He backed away softly as Val aproached at the same pace. Seeing him scared made Val choose against killing him instantly. The boy could be of good use, he could be used for indormation about his so called "clan".
Val stepped closer, the boy stepped backwards, trying to move faster out of the hunter's way. He was now furiously aproaching a wall behind him, soon being pinned in place, stuck in between the wall and Val. He panicked, not knowing what to do so he just...

"SASHA!" he screamed, closing his eyes shut. The loud noise startled Val, who was caught off guard.

"My name.... My name is Sasha."
"But.... I asked for your age...." Val looked defeated, confused and disoriented.
"Oh... Oh." the realisation hit him. "Well, in that case... I'm 25" he was still pinned to the wall.
"25?! You're sure you're not 225? Maybe 300?" the layer of confusion was now even thicker.
"Nope... just 25..." the boy replied shyly.
"Well then, nice to meet you, 25 year old Sasha. It is truly a pleasure getting to know you. I'm Val." He said, showing off his friendliest smile as he reached out his ha d for Sasha to grab.
Sasha, instead looked at his outstretched hand for a while and the in Val's eyes. His sky-blue eyes met his gaze and just stared like that for a few seconds before parting his lips to say something.

"Uh.... back. The. Fuck. Up. Pal." He said.

"Wow.... well, a《nice to meet you too》would have been fine, but I guess that works too" Val joked as he backed away from the boy's body, retreating his hand to his side, not wanting to be pushy.
"We have a lot of talking to do."

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