Arriving in Inazuma

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"Lumine! Paimon! It's nice seeing you again!" Thoma looks like he's about to explode of happiness. "Hey Thoma!" I hug Thoma tightly. Why is Tartaglia's face like that? "Hey Thoma, im Tartaglia, I've never heard about you before" I told him all about Thoma. "Nice meeting you! Lumine, Tartaglia Paimon. Let me lead you to your rooms." They follow Thoma, there are 3 rooms, one for Thoma, one for Paimon and me, one fo- %€&*@&+=/ there are 2 rooms, Thoma is sharing with Paimon, Lumine and Tartaglia have to share a room. Lumine opens the window, the sun shining into her eyes, the soft wind flowing in her face making her hair majestic. "Hey comrade-" It just came out off nowhere, Lumine was about to hit her head onto the floor untill it felt like the was floating on air. He caught her just on time "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" For some reason his ocean-blue eyes were terrifying.

"Lumine, take this" Thoma hands Lumine the most gorgeous flower. "W-wow, thank you Thoma" Lumine blushes softly. "Paimon wants to go out for a walk! Sounds like a good idea right?" "Good idea Paimon! C'mon comrades!" " I'll stay here" Thoma says softly. I didn't even hear the door open was he watching us all this time?

There's a gorgeous breeze, a prefect golden hour. Lumine and Paimon are walking ahead. "W-w-wahhhh!" Paimon shouts in fear. It's the treasure hoarders. "Lumine, Paimon, go ahead. I'll meet up with you guys later." Lumine and Paimon run ahead. They finally stop at one point. Sh*t! Lumine lost the flower." Look it's Tartaglia!" He walks in covered in blood "Childe! Are you okay?" Lumine looks worried "Don't worry, it's not mine" he laughs proud. What..? "Hold still" Lumine stand as still as a rock, Tartaglia puts an rose in her hair.

"Thomaaa! We're back!" Paimon shouts. Lumine walks towards the bathroom, is he out of his mind? Did he turn into a psychopath? No. He can't be, all those years- "Hey Lumine!" Lumine turns around really quick. It's Thoma. Thoma point towards her hair. "That one is new" Oh yeah, the flower.. ofcourse. "I.. it's so stupid, there were treasure hoarders and while escaping I lost it.." "it fits you" Thoma smiles and walkes away.

Lumine yawns "I'm heading to bed" "Goodnight" everyone shouts. I walk to the bathroom brushing my teeth, I notice a red spot on the floor. Blood. Could it be..? No. He's not like that. I head to the bedroom and there is an red spot again, is it stuck in my eyes, am I going crazy? Chill out Lumine.. it's just a red spot. I lay down in bed pulling the blanket over me. I lie down for a few minutes. Then I hear the door open, it's Tartaglia. I immediately pretend to be asleep. I feel him staring at me for a while, then hear a deep sight and hear him tucking in.

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