Bfb 17- Who the hell is Profiley?

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"So what now?"

The 14 bfb contestants layed around, confused on what to do. Their hosts, 4 and X, had been missing. Well 4 was missing, and X was with Two.

"So...shouldnt we go look for Four?" Firey asked.

"Nahhh. Im sure well be fine." Gelatin responded, obviously not taking the situation seriously.

"I guess..." Firey chipped in.

"So woody, I think we started off on the wrong foot." Blocky said to Woody, interrupting his tic tac toe game with Yellow-face

"So lets try the other one!" Blocmy smiled, kicking woody with his other foot.

"BLOCKY! THAT WAS VERY UNEEDED!" Fanny screamed at the cube.

"Hey dude, chill out." Blocky said, turning on fannys fan and causing her to fly away.

"Oh noiyo!" Bubble grabbed her face, running past ice cube and taco as she ran to save her friend.

"...So yeah Ice cube. Im sorry for any miscommunications between us on bfb. Its just know Book was super pushy and I just couldnt stand her. And you were kinda her right hand gal so...Im just sorry." Taco scratched her head.

"Its fine. I agree that Book went way overboard. She never let me express myself, so I couldnt speak out to talk to you. Thats really why I followed you and Lollipop to this show." Ice cube smiled.

"Where is Lollipop anyways?" Taco asked.

"S-STOP IT LOLLIPOP!" Yellow face screamed as he ran from Lollipop.

"Not until you admit my products are better." She angrily sprayed Yellow face with her new 'yellow face repeller.'

Flower rolled her eyes as she went back to Loser and Leafy.

"This is so tedious. Why cant four just come back!" Leafy complained.

"We shouldnt go bothering Four, he may get mad at us." Loser shuddered at the thought of being sucked up by the numerical again.

"Well we have to if we want the show to start!" Flower said.

"Its not like hell just appear out of nowhe-"

In a flash, 4 slammed down onto the ground, more specifically onto Flower, killing her.

"Four! You killed Flower!" Leafy screamed

"Shut up." The number shushed the leaf.

"I miss X." Four frowned.

"Hell be back eventually. Maybe if you start the show again hell come back to co-host?" Lollipop suggested.

"Youre right!" Four smiled.

"Hmmm. Theres 16 of you..."Four questioned.

"17" profiley smiled.

Everyone stared at him, confused. Nobody thought they had seen before, even before bfb.
Four was confused, but shrugged it off.

"17 then. Well that isnt a multiple of four, so Ill round it up with this!" Four smiled, reaching his own had into his head.

"Uhh..whats he doing?" Ruby asked.

"Wait! If i remember, he inly does that when he's purposefully grabbing someone out of the exit!" Leafy smiled.

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