Bfb 18- The name game

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"Man! Where the heck is Four!" Liy complained, stomping around angrily.

Flower perked up. "Im right here?" She said, causing Liy to jump.

"I thought you died!" Liy said, sighing in relief that she atlest had one teammate safe. She then walked over to Leafy.

"Heyyyy Leaster." Liy said, holder up finger guns. Leafy rolled her eyes.

"So now you want to talk to me! After ignoring me in the exit for sooooo long, now you wanna converse!?" Leafy sighed, turning her back. "Just go away."

Liy started as the leaf walked away. She looked over to Flower, confused. Flower sighed, patting Liy on the shoulder. "Shes that sometimes. She has mood swings daily. Dont take it personal or anything."

Liy squinted her eyes. "Oh...I will."

"Hey Leafy!" Gelatin smiled, waving at the fellow green object. Leafy switched from annoyed to happy.

"Hey Gelatin! Are you worried about todays eliminations?" Leafy asked, Gelatin sighed.

"Kinda. I mean, Its just the fact that I didnt really do much last episode." Gelatin looked down. "The viewers will think im boring."

"Im sure youll be fine. Four might not even to the elimination since hes not here! AndAtleast your not as rash or rude as Firey." Leafy whispered under her breath.

Gelatin pretended not to hear here, as a familiar voice approached them.

"Hey guys! Im bacckkkk!" X smiled. Everyone gathered around him.

Liy tried breaking through the crowd, successfully making it to X.

"Heyyy X, can you like, revive my teammates?" Liy asked. X perked up.

"Aww, you started without me! I guess I was late." X rubbed his head. "But either way no, I cant revive anyway. Sorry." X frowned, to Liy and Flowers dismay. "BUTTTT, I can access the votes from last time!"

"If this is correct, Leafys team lost last time right?" X asked, with a tablet in his hands. "Well please gather around this....rock?"

The team had gathered, anticipating their results.

After a brief pause, X turned to the group. "We got 52,557 votes! Wow, thats alot!" X smiled. "Remember, since were doing votes to save now, ill be going from who had the most votes to the least!"

"Fanny! You had 13827 votes to save! Youre safe and get a aloe vera plant!" X smiled, launching the plant at Fanny, who dodged.

"I hate people attempting to murder me!" Fanny yelled, with X giggling in embarrassment.

"Anyways, with only a 281 vote gap, both TearDrop and Profiley are safe with 11286 votes and 11005 votes respectively!" X smiled, launching the plants at the two.

Leafy and Gelatin looked at each other, nervous. "Leafy! You said we would be fine!?" Gelatin shrieked. Leafy began to sweat.

"In the battle between you two, one of you got 8858 votes, and the other 7580." X smiled, raising the tension.

"Leafy!" X yelled, causing Leafy to jump. "You are." Leafy began to sweat profusely. "Safe!" X smiled, throwing Leafy her plant.

Gelatin stood up, sad. "Well, I guess im really out. Well, Cya guys, Im going go the Exit i guess..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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