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His hands closed into fists. It could be seen how hard he was closing them since his knucles turn white.

His eyes look darker and dangerouse.

He was starting to lose control.

"What's up with him?" one of the boys look at Lucian as he thougth he was sick.

"Weirdo" another one said as he laugh.

"Now I see why they are friends. They are the same."

'Calm down' he thougth. He couldn't get Into a figth. He knew that. He needed to calm down.

Jace notice all the noise so he look back and saw some of the guys were making fun of Lucian. He couldn't help him. He didn't wanted to let people know that he knew him.

He was already planning on never meeting the guy from yesterday again, but here he was in the same basketball team as himself. He sigh as he thougth God hated him. It wouldn't surprised him, but still he had such bad luck.

Jace was ready to turn a blind eye when he notice the way the other was breathing and he kind of felt the other was acting familiar.

As if he was... Like himself...

Tony walk to jace. He notice he was looking at Lucian. "What's up? They are making fun of the new guy? You know how Jasper acts. Just let him be"

"Don't you feel a bit strange about him?" Jace ask as he look at Lucian.

Tony look at Lucian as he thougth for a moment. "Maybe but... You know It's imposible for him to be like us. We should know him if he was one of us. All families know each other."

"You'r right" Jace said "let's go" he said and soon tony and other three of the boys follow him out.

Jasper look at Jace and his crew leave as he he chuckle. "Why are you acting like a total freak?" He ask as he walk to Lucian and push him down.

Lucian fell  hard on the floor as he could feel his fangs coming out. He was sudenly pretty hungry.

Vincent look at this. He wanted to help Lucian but... He didn't wanted to get on this guys bad side so he could only watch. He couldn't help.

As Arlo came out of the bathroom he saw the athmospere wasn't right. He saw Jasper infront of Lucian while he was in the ground. He recognize the other's heavy breathing as a bad sign.

'Oh no...' He thougth as he run to where Lucian was and then he kneel down.

"Oh you came here to help your boyfriend?" Jasper ask. He said it with a small smirk. "Faggot" he said and Lucian had ENOUGH. He was ready to stand and punch that asshole in the face when he heard Arlo said. "Don't. Don't fight Lucian... You know you can't fight. If you do they can kick us out of this school. We fougth so hard to get in here we can't let them win. You know what is going to happened. This guys parents are Rich. It'll be easy for them to get out of trouble. We are not the same remember that"

Jasper was waiting for Lucian to fight back, he smile excited, but when nothing happened he roll his eyes as he said "You can't even defend yourself. Loser. Lets go guys" They all started to walk out and when Vincent wanted to go help he heard Jasper said "Vincent are you going to help them?"

Jasper's eyes look dangerouse. And Vincent felt as if he was being tested so he said "Of course not"

"Good. Now let's go"

"Okay" Vincent said as he follow them out without looking back.

Arlo could see lucian's eyes getting bright, his nails were long and sharp like his fangs. His ears were getting longer.

"Oh no... Lucian please try to calm down" he said but the other couldn't listen to him.

"Get away from me" his voice was deeper and raspy. It was scary. Arlo couldn't help but take a step back.


"but Lucian I-"

"Run!" Lucian glare at Arlo. He was looking more like a monster now than like a human.

Arlo didn't wanted to leave Lucian but his feet moved on his own and he soon found himself running away leaving his best friend behind.

Lucian felt pain all over his body. He was transforming and he didnt knew why. He Could hear everything so clearly. See everything much better.

But the pain of becoming a monster was much more stronger. He felt like dying.

So painfull and lonely.

He didn't knew what happened next but the next moment he came back to his senses he was alone in the forest covered in blood.

The smell of death was strong, and the  feeling of hunger was gone.

It was already night and the forest looked endless.

What happened?

Why was he there?

Did someone saw him turning into a monster? He didn't knew.

When he try to stand he felt there was something hard next to himself. As he look at what lt was his eyes open wide in horror.

The hair was red and the skin was white. It was slim and even if the body look warm the feeling was cold making him realize it was already dead.

The first thougth in his mind was Arlo.. But when he move the body with his trembling hands to look at the face of the person he saw it wasn't his best friend but a boy he had never seen in his life.

The feeling of relief didnt last long as he realize he had maybe kill this person.

He Killed someone.

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